Chapter 4

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"Since the Academy was totally turned into ash, the Queen, with her mercy, decided to open the door of the palace for the students to stay in until a new building will be established," Sedrick, the Queen's assistant under mid 30s of age, announces, "So, while you are inside the palace's premise, rules and regulations must be strictly implemented..."

The Queen's assistant presented all the rules and regulations that must be followed by the students while they are inside the palace. He talked about cleanliness, discipline and others but most especially, the proper use of each's graces.

After the orientation, the students were instructed to go to their respective rooms but Gwyn and her friends approached the Assistant in front who was about to leave.

"Yes? Do you have any problem?" Sedrick asked looking through his glasses.

"What about me? Which function do I belong?" Gwyn  asked that made Sedrick cross his brows, "My grace didn't show up yet," she added.

"A fairy without a grace?" Sedrick stated.

"Yet," Gwyn pronounced the word hardly reminding him that it's still on the way.

"Interesting. We never had a fairy whose grace didn't show up after the age of seven," Sedrick said, "Except for the Queen's grace before, but no one else had that problem for years until you showed up,"

"So what am I going to do?"

"Hmmm....Let me figure out....What are the things that interests you?"

"Ummm....everything....I guess...." she answered, "but I'm not excellent at even one,"

"Name some,"

"Well....I like music, arts, combative games....I do also love plants and animals and others. But I don't think I can perform even one of it the way these graced fairies do. The level of my skills aren't as good as theirs,"

"Well then, I suggest that you shall stay........" While he's thinking about it, Gwyn and her friends are waiting for his answer with their brows raised, " the maid's room,"

"WHAT?" Gwyn exclaimed, "why there?"

"Well, you see. All the rooms here in the palace have specific functions. The room for the Water Fairies are near the waterfall at the edge of the palace to maintain the water supply flowing inside. The Plants and Animals under the Earth Fairies are at the garden, the mini forest and zoo. And so with the others," Sedrick explained, "I'll tell the Head Servant to ready a bed for you,"

"My gosh, I feel freak," Gwyn ended.

She came to understand the situation and accepted the maid's room. They come out from the hall to proceed to their areas.

"Okay guys....So...We'll meet each other tomorrow," Gwyn said lifeless.

"Yeah, I'm already sleepy," Daphne said while yawning.

"Me too," Marj rubbed her eyes.

"Good night guys," Zel waved.

"Good night," everyone chorused and they parted ways.

Gwyn went to the Maid's Room and met the Head Servant. The Maid Servant showed her which room she belong and the bed she'll use.

The room is about 30 meters by 25 with two columns, 10 beds each. Her bed is at the rear.

The Head Servant introduced her to the maids who will be her roommates. Everyone seems nice and they welcomed her. After the introduction, she walks to her bed and decided to sleep but she's being disturbed by the noise of the girls around her telling stories to each other.

Gwyn covered her head with the blanket to minimize the noise but their laughs were just to loud to keep her awake. She used her pillow to cover her ears but then she heard something from the maid beside her.

"You know what?  A while ago, I saw Master Salia  being very cautious on her movements as she flies to the South Wing. It's as if she's making sure no one is watching her going there,"

"Master Salia?" Gwyn thought. "Isn't she the Fire Master?"

"To the South Wing? It's the Guardian's Department, right? What is she doing there?" a second maid asked.

"I don't know. I didn't follow her since I'm delivering the Queen's tea,"

Gwyn thought about it. Master Salia seems very cautious going to the Guardian's Department? Something's not right. What does a Fire Master be doing at that place?

"What time did she went there?" Gwyn suddenly removed the pillow and blanket covering her head and sat. The maids just gaze at her a little bit surprised.

"What time did Master Salia went to the Guardian's Department?" Gwyn asked again.

"Around 4 o'clock. That's the time I bring the Queen's tea in her chamber," the first maid beside her answered, "Why?"

"N....N....Nothing...." Gwyn replied and lied back on her bed.

Around 4 o'clock? That's before the Academy was burned. Hmmmm...... Master Salia....Master Salia....Master Salia......A FIRE FAIRY! YES, SHE'S A FIRE FAIRY! Could it be possible that she's behind the burning of the school?

Gwyn thought all about the details she just saw and heard. She tries to match all the situations that happened until the time she didn't realize, she dozed off.

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