Chapter 6

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"Marj, don't let the waters move fast when circling the bears. There might be a tendency that it will touch them. Move them gently," Gwyn corrected while her friends are doing their performance, "Krizel, brighten the color yellow. It's not so visible. Zel, pick the greener and bigger leaves for the final performance. And....Daphne, What happened to your breathing? The flute sounds rocky. Sometimes it grows louder and sometimes soft. It's not consistent. Some notes are short and some are long,"

Her friends tried to improve their performance according to Gwyn's correction but it seems to get worse. Marj's water is getting out of shape. Krizel's light are fading. Zel's leaves are withering while the bears are becoming weary and Daphne's music is out of tune.


Gwyn placed her hand on her forehead while shaking her head just when everything went silent.

"Make sure don't ever let that happen during the final," she adviced looking at them on the ground.

"A..a...Ouch.. ," Zel grunts as she stand up from the ground with her hands on her hips. She help Marj stand up whose wings got wet together with the bears. Daphne just move aside from them and laid on the grass. Krizel on the other hand, was the one  Marj and Zel fell into.

"Are you okay?" Marj checked on her.

"I...Im fine," she answered still flat on the ground. Her wings got crumpled but what's worse is, her face was pushed on the soil, "Yur butts ish sho heavii,"

Marj chuckled and apologized. She help Krizel get on her feet.

"Maybe you need rest," Gwyn said and sat on the stone beside Daphne, "You're all exhausted,"

"Whew, thank you," Marj sighed heavily, "That's what I've been waiting for,"

Everyone took rest lying on the ground aligned until the sun hid behind the mountains and darkness covered the sky. Cold wind rushes to the West and the four girls decided to go back to the palace.

"Oh, hello there. It's good you're all back. I'm starting to worry, you know," Arnold breath out in relief just as the girls arrived at the gate.

"Don't worry, Arnold. We'll always keep an eye on Marj for you," Zel retorts throwing a rough chuckle.

"Good good. But I am more at ease if I myself is out there for her," Arnold said but the girls knew he was just jesting.

They entered the palace and each one went back to their respective rooms.

While Gwyn is walking through the foothpath passing the  Guardian's Department, she  saw Master Salia and a guardian walking away from the building into a darker place near the woods. Because of curiousity, Gwyn followed them secretly keeping a few distant from them.

She followed them into the woods until the two stopped on an old tree stump at the center. Gwyn hid behind a tree's trunk.

"Remember, tomorrow night is already the grace competition. Make sure the names written here will enter the palace," Master Salia said while handing the guardian a piece of folded paper.

"Don't worry, madam. I'll make them enter without a doubt," the guardian answered confidently.

"Good. And by the time the last presenter shall finish their presentation, we will execute our plan," she stated with an evil laugh afterwards.

The guardian laughed with her while Gwyn decided to return back but just as she started to walk backwards, she tripped over the tree's root and fall down to the ground. *Thuug!!!!

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