7: He thinks you cheated pt 2 - E.D

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I just realized I've written two imagines in which Gray/Eth get jelly (Jealous) or assume they are cheating, in which both happen at the movies. Oops.

Enjoy anyways!


Aden and you were the perfect couple. You were the cutest couple in the school as a matter of fact, and were voted that title in the Yearbook. But he broke up with you at the end of year party, in-front of everyone in the school pretty much, to be with the head cheerleader, Lindsey. This all happened about two years ago, and you hadn't seen him since. He buffed up, which was why you didn't recognize him. Like you said anyway, Ethan and you have been dating for a year and four months, and he helped you get past it.

"What do you want Aden?" you asked, anger bubbling up inside. You wanted to strangle him right now.

"I want you, y/n. I want your body." He said, licking his lips.

"Get the fuck away from me, now!" You shouted. He took another step closer. Wrong move. You punched his square in the nose and took off running. You jumped in the elevator that was about to close and took it down to the bottom level. You jumped in your car and was out of there in a flash.

When you got back to the apartment that you and Ethan shared, you didn't really know what to tell him. You walked into the complex and took the elevator up to your level. As you walked through your door you heard sobbing coming from the bedroom. Already knowing it was Ethan you ran into the room and looked around for him.

He was lying face down on the bed, shirtless, his hard bedraggled and his body sweaty.

"Why..." He said repeatedly, over and over as he punched the pillows. You walked over, put your bag down and sat at the very end of the bed. You gently grazed you hand over Ethan's leg, making him sit up in fright.

"Leave." He said after taking one look at you.

"Ethan I'm sor-

"I said leave!" He began raising his voice.

"No." You said clearly and confidently.

"No? It wasn't a question y/n."

"I'm not leaving. I love you too much to leave."

"Then why did you cheat, huh? If you loved me you wouldn't have done that."

"I'm sorry Eth, alright? But you need to give me some time to explain!"

"You have 30 seconds. If you aren't done than I will kick you out myself."

"Okay. It was Aden. Remember him? The douche who dumped me for a cheerleader? The one who was the reason I was depressed when we met? Yeah him. And he said that he wanted to break us up because he wanted my body, okay? He grabbed me and pulled me into a kiss when he saw you because he knew this would happen. Now tell me Ethan Grant Dolan, did you see me kissing back?"

"No." He said quietly.

"And did you see me get out of his grip as soon as I could?"

"Um... yeah I guess."

"Exactly. Okay? You need to trust me sometimes because relationships don't work without trust." And for once, he was speechless. He looked at you with his big puppy eyes, red from crying.

"And if it makes you feel any better, I punched him square in the nose and it was bleeding pretty bad." You chuckled lightly as you said that. He did too.

"I'm sorry y/n, honesty, I just... ugh, it's so hard seeing you with someone else and getting the feeling that I'm not good enough, you know?"

"Yeah I do. That happened with me and Aden, more or less."

"I'm sorry babygirl, I didn't mean to-

"It's fine, let's just move past it, yeah?"

"Deal." He said. He suddenly stood up sharply.

"What is it Eth?" You said standing up with him. You followed his eyes gaze, and as you did he grabbed you from behind and pulled you into a hug. You laughed as he picked you up, your back pressed against his bare chest. He stumbled backwards, purposefully falling down on the bed and pulling you into a hug. You rolled over backwards and straddled him. You kissed everywhere on his face, giving about 50 kisses as he had his eyes closed and moaned softly. You then went in, gently, and placed your lips against his. You lay down on-top of him, not braking the kiss, as it slowly got more and more passionate.

You stomach was filled with butterflies and you're not sure why. I mean, it was only a kiss yet it felt as if he was giving you all his love, injecting into you blood so you always felt warm. It was a weird sensation. You both pulled away at the same time, and you propped yourself up on you elbows, with them pressed against his chest.

"I love you so, so, so much y/n. You don't understand how broke I was when I saw you today." He said, with a single tear trickling down his cheek. You kissed his tear away, as he turned away embarrassed.
"I love you more Eth. Don't let what happened today get to you yeah? Just think of it as a bad dream, because it wasn't real. I didn't cheat on you, okay?"

"Okay babygirl. Netflix and Cuddle?"

"Netflix and Cuddle." You said.


Sup my lil munchkins. I don't even know why I just called you that but I'm leaving it YOLO.

Okay and I was also going to say Netflix and Chill but I thought Cuddle would be cuter, call me crazy.

Anyway thanks for reading! And I haven't mentioned this before but if you would like a private one with your name, just message me privately!

Love y'all, not that anyone actually reads this but whatevs, I can live with that!

Viv xx


988 words. Bam.

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