21- Dinner Party

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"Hey baby, you almost ready?" Grayson called out to me from the base of the staircase. 
"Almost, gimme 5!" I called out, putting finishing touches to my makeup and straightening out my jumpsuit. I grabbed my white clutch and white heels and put them on, and grabbed the few things I needed in my clutch.
"Alright, I'm ready." I called out as I descended down the stairs. Grayson emerged from the kitchen, wearing black skinny jeans, a black leather jacket and a white tee-shirt underneath. He had done his hair perfectly, and he looked fine as hell. I couldn't stop myself from staring. 

I finished descending the staircase, watching him look me up and down once, and then again, and then a third time. His eyes rested on my cleavage that was coming out the top of the jumpsuit. I saw him lick his lips, which made me bite my lower one. He noticed, and his eyes stared at my lips before he bounded over to me and pressed his lips hard against mine. I felt his arms snake around my waist, and I placed mine behind his head and on his cheek, pulling him closer. 

I could have stayed there forever, but we were already running. I had to pull away, as much as I regretted it. 
"Come on Gray, we shouldn't keep your family waiting." I said, resting my forehead against his, and smirked when I saw how darkened his eyes were. 
"You look so sexy, Vivien. I don't think you understand what you're doing to me without even realizing it. You're curves are just, ugh." he said, as his hands slowly snuck their way up and down my hips. I smiled up at him, before pecking him once more and walking out the front door. 
"Don't forget to lock it!" I called back, getting in his BMW, and retouching my lipstick. 

We pulled into the driveway of the Dolan's residence. Not gonna lie, I was a little nervous. This was the first time I would be seeing his family as his fiance, not just his girlfriend. Grayson took my hand softly in his, and kissed it, rubbing his thumb over the ring. He could tell I was nervous, but his eyes told me that it would be alright.
"They love you." He said, leaning in and kissing my cheek. I blushed and I'm not sure why, he was always showering me in affection.
"I know you're the one, Grayson Bailey Dolan, because even after four years, you can still make me blush with the simplest touch." I said, and hopped out of the car.
"Is that really the only reason?" He said, pretending to be hurt.
"Of course not." I winked before shutting the door so he couldn't say anything else. I saw him shake his head at me, and I wished I could have heard his laugh, it was always so calming. He hopped out of the other side, and we grabbed a few things out the trunk of the car before heading into the house, his arm wrapped around my waist. 

"Grayson! Vivien! I've missed the two of you!" Lisa said, opening the door and welcoming us both it. Grayson, being the gentleman he is, let me go first. I gave Lisa a hug, and thanked her for having us over. As Grayson was hugging his mother, Christian and Bailey came running past. They were two of the cutest kids I've ever seen, and it just so happens that they like me. 
"Viv!" "Vivien!!" They call, and came crashing onto me, engulfing me in a hug and I bent down to their level.
"Chris! Bay Bay! How have you been! I've missed you two!" I said as they hugged me tighter. 
"You can't leave for that long ever again!" Chris whined.
"We can't go without seeing you!" Bailey squealed, and I laughed at the two of them. 
"Sorry guys, I'll make sure to be around more often." I said, and I rubbed my nose against Bailey's because she leaned it. It was one of those little things we did.
"I love you're outfit, we have to draw some later." Bailey whispered in my ear, and I agreed, smiling at her. I was a fashion designer, and she loved clothes, and outfits. We've drawn a few things together before. 

Chris noticed Grayson looking at the three of us.
"Grayson!" He said, and Bailey looked up, and let go of me to go jump onto Grayson. He lifted them up, holding each of them on one of his hips. They all shared hugs and exchanged, but all I could see was Grayson glowing. Something about his family made him happiest. I always felt like I was seeing the happiest side of Grayson when he was with his family.

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