Revenge Taking

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I see him fall, unbelieving I scream, "Noooooooo," as I run forward, slamming my sword through his back. He turns to retaliate and I reach down his through grab his still beating heart, rip it out and eat it in front of his dying eyes. I turn at the guards coming out of the door to the tower, I throw Dróttinn's lifeless corps at them before leaping after them. I slide Blákkr across the firsts gut, reach my hand in and pull their intestines, turn and strangle the next with it. I slam my sword through the next persons nuts, pull it up and push it into the next persons guts.

I walk through the castle, grief pushing me. Any who stand in my way soon lay dead. A come out of my daze and look at the knight standing across the room from me, his large broadsword glinting with the torch light. He only has a chain mail shirt, so I charge. He swings, I slash the dual swords and his hand and sword fly across the room. I smash him to the ground, jumping on top of him, rip his throat out with my teeth. Another comes through the door, seeing me sitting on the prone body of his comrade, runs, but slumps as my daggers appear in the back of his knees. I run forward, flip him over. He pleads with me, begging me to let him go, I push my thumb in his left eye socket and pull his brains out. He screams and dies, the body starts twitching. I stand and walk out of the castle.

Guild House, Paris - France, Europe - 19th of October, 1437

"What of Myrkr," asks Andlét
"Dead, was pushed over a cliff, ocean far below," I respond, still unbelieving of his demise.
"Ok, I'll assume that the person is dead also, and."
"The 'heartless' bastard is well and truly dead."
"But if you'd let me finish before, I'd have told you that the Magyars are mustering their troops for an invasion."
"What," I drop, shaking, to my knees, the Information he told us was real, I wipe the tears from my eyes.

Castle, Camille -Spain, Europe - 9th of October, 1437

Myrkr's POV

I turn and spread my arms, the sea rushing towards me, my life flashing before me. My only regret is not tell Vinr my feelings. I slam down into the water...

Clock Tower, Paris - France, Europe - 21th of October, 1437

Vinr's POV

"He is dead," I tell our contractor.
"Good job, the last group didn't survive, we weren't sure if you would survive," he responds.
"Only I survived."
"Thats a shame, he seemed like a nice fellow," he stalks of into the darkness and I make my own way of. After what seems like an hour I make my way back to the guild house, Blákkr feeling heavy on my waist. I drop into my bed, still dressed and fall into an uneasy sleep.

Inn, Albi - France, Europe - 24th of October, 1438

I walk up and shove the dagger into his liver, his dying screams waking his sleeping guards. I pull Blákkr and shove it through the thin pine door, killing one of the guards as he struggles with the lock. I pull it back an open the door turning to face the other guard, I glimpse a man standing leaning on the door of another room, yet his form is familiar. I slam Blákkr through the others hip, I turn to look at the man but he has disappeared. I walk out of the same building that his last target stayed in.

Main Street, Quni - France, Europe - 29th of October, 1439

I stalk through the crowd, my dagger hidden in the folds of my disguise. The target is ahead, an executioner, about to hang a criminal, and a mob was gathering. I walk into the crowd, blending in quickly, I wander over, standing close to the front. I pull the dagger and flick it across the empty space in front of the gallows. He falls the dagger protruding from his head, on the downfall pushing the lever, and the criminal squirms. I walk away and yet again see that man. In the sun light he looks exactly like Myrkr, wearing different clothes, and no swords, so I wave. He just turns and runs off, climbing up buildings as easily as running on ground.

Guild House, Paris - France, Europe - 2nd of November, 1440

I sit polishing Blákkr and Hvítr, the twin blades laying crossed on my lap when Andlét walks up to door. He walks in saying "this letter was delivered to the door, it's for you," before handing me the letter and walking out. I inspect the letter, on the front it says For the eyes of Vinr only, I cautiously peel open the envelope, and read.

I am sorry if its brief, but I am safe and making my way home, see you soon.

I scarcely believe what I am reading, I Look down and see that I have cut my leg with Hvítr. I fall back and pass out. I wake up, tucked in bed, and cry, realising that it was a dream. I stand and immediately collapse, realising that my leg is bleeding. I yet again cry, but this time in happiness, he is alive. I chuck myself at all the chores Andlét gives me, with a renewed determination. The guild house will be sparkly by the time he returns. There is commotion on the street, Andlét, Nótt and I run out, a house is on fire, we run to help put it out.

Hours later we return to the guild house, we all head to our rooms. When enter mine I barley notice when I am pulled into a hug. I open my eyes and scream, my Myrkr is standing there hugging me. I pull him into a kiss, not wanting to ever let him go. He and I fall onto the bed, we lie there in each other embrace...

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