The Fighting Begins

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Myrkr's POV

Melrakki pounced on me the moment I left the room. Even with Vinr there she asked, without thinking I respond with the answer, she can be there, before punching her. Vinr gasps but other then that remains quiet. We walk back up to our rooms and both take a seat at the chairs.

"The Magyars are on the attack, the greek are next to be attacked. We have been ordered to go to Athens to prevent them attacking the city," I state flatly.

"When was this ordered," she asks.

"The morning of my return."

"Who is going," she asks shaking slightly.

"Originally it was Melrakki, Andlét, Nótt and myself, but now you as well," I whisper calmly, I walk over to her bend down in her face and whisper in an urgent tone, "I will not let you come to harm," before kissing her on the forehead. She hugs me and walks out.

Barracks, Athens - Greek, Europe - 3rd of December 1440

I walk through the groups of guards, their loose fitting armour rattling in the cold morning air. The Magyars had arrived late yesterday, and they had their army set up outside the range of the cities anti-siege weapons. The messenger had, albeit inadvertently, told us of their spy inside the city, and his head now decorates a flag post. Andlét is with the leaders of the military here, along with Melrakki. Vinr comes up behind me, her foot fall lost in the clanking of metal against metal. We walk to the walls, the sun rising slowly in the east.

I notice movement in the Magyar camp. The guards around us are jumping to life as the enemy siege weapons roll towards the city.

"I has begun Vinr," I whisper.

"Like wind and shadow," Vinr starts.

"Felt but never seen," I continue.

"Our foes shall fall."

"And darkness ensured," I finish our slogan. We run forward and throw ourself of the castle walls, the wing like features out. We glide behind the enemy lines, their sentinels looking to the ground, not the sky. We take of the outer suit, and pull our swords, Hvítr's white blade stark in contrast to Blákkr's black one. I run forward, my sword coming down at the joint between the neck and shoulder, cutting the man in half.

I jump into the bowl of the catapult, cutting the rope, I fling myself further into the enemy siege army. I alit lightly on top of one of their siege towers, the people inside oblivious to my presence. I slip inside and stab Blákkr into the mans kidney, his screams waking up the rest of the people in the tower. The men in the top layer grab their weapons, and turn to face me. Laughing I engage, the blood flows like a river down to the next layer. I push my sword into the shoulder of the person climbing the ladder up. He screams and falls down, the blade gouging deep into his shoulder blade as I twist it.

I laugh as more try to get up past me. I jump down and turn around, Blákkr spinning. The only thing in here is group of corpses twitching. I push the back out, and jump out. Vinr and I run to the fort, the archers not aware of our true allegiance. We climb the wall and grab. We light a torch and throw it a the still moving siege tower.

I laugh as screams echo from the tower, the sickening sounds fall like music to my ears. I sheath my sword, thoughts return and I collapse to my knees, head in my hands. Guilt washes over me as I realise the lives I've taken. I wont deny the monster I turn into when battle begins, but neither will I say its the same Myrkr Langrsverd as the one kneeling here, before Vinr, calm, gentle Vinr.

Vinr kneels before me and asks, "Whats wrong, Myrkr."

"I a monster, as least I become one on the battle field," I say in a weak voice.

"You are not a monster, you are a caring man."

"I am, I became a monster when I killed the man at the catapult, and then I used the screams of a soldier to wake others so it would be a fun fight. Yes Vinr, I am a monster." I break down sobbing, the sounds of those still alive and screaming in the tower only intensifying the break down. Strong arms wrap around me and I am lifted of the floor and into the wall. The sound lessens and I look up, expecting Andlét, but find my self face to face with Vinr. Vinr drops me of on a bed and I fall asleep.

I awaken, days later, and another presence is in the bed with me, keeping myself from screaming, I look. Vinr, sleeping peacefully next to me, moves and wakes, her violet eyes sparkle lightly with the moon light. I get out quietly, only stopping when I hear her foot steps behind me.

"I am so sorry Myrkr, I would have moved you, but you were so distraught," she whispers.

"I am the one at fault," I respond in a whisper, turning to face her.

"Myrkr, I am not going to let you think that, I am at fault. You are ok, and thats all that matters."

"Vinr, I am talking about my breakdown, not in what ever bed I was in."

"Oh, I am not letting you believe that was your fault, given the damage thinking you would die can do."

I walk out onto the wall, the field, previously covered in flowers and grass, is a mess of corpses. I scream, the birds in the forest take flight. Félagi comes running along the wall, his long ferret fur reflecting the moonlight. I calm down and climb the wall. The people in that camp have something coming for causing Vinr harm. I run, Blákkr coming out. The guards are but a trifle, their pitiful pikes nothing more then a minor inconvenience. I keep fighting the leader of their army comes out, fully armoured.

"We have met before, have we not, Myrkr," he shouts.

"Who are you," I respond.

Nótt's POV

"I am Nótt," I say, "Vinr will have to do better then that to kill me." His sword arcs towards the gap in the armour between the neck and head. I brings my sword up to block. He disappears, and a giant pain erupts in my neck as my head is detached. The last thing I see is Myrkr disappear in a flash of light.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2013 ⏰

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