No One Knows

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It's been 3 days since Bill and Dipper came back. Mabel has gotten the hang of how Dipper has to act, and is really pissed off about it. She hasn't told anyone that after Bill 'raped' Dipper, he said that he loved Bill. She's still not sure if Bill was doing her brother against Dipper's will or not. The couple have taken over the twins' room, and practically live there. Mabel sleeps in the room with the mind changing rug.

Mabel lies in her bed, thinking about what she should do. Should she say something? Or should she let it be? "What to do, what to do!!" She thinks as she screams into her pillow in frustration. "You don't do anything" she hears at her door. She looks up and sees Bill standing there with that shit eating grin on his face. "I don't believe I can't do anything" says Mable who has already made up her mind on freeing Dipper. "Look, Shooting Star, I've spent the last 10 years with my little Pine Tree, and he has changed. I have no such knowledge of human emotion as you guys do. About 5 years ago, I think, feels like yesterday, Pine Tree confessed his love for me. He stopped talking to me for a while, thinking he wasn't allowed to talk to me until I told him he could. In other words, he 'loves' me, but I don't 'love' him back. Why am I telling you this?" Bill glares at Mabel, "because you can't do anything about the past." Mabel growls, "what did you do to him?"
"Absolutely nothing. Just gave him some commands" says Bill in defense. "No, what did you do to make him feel this way about you?!"
"Nothing at all. I can only read people's thaughts, not their feelings. You meat sacks are so predictable, though I didn't predict what Dipper said to me."
"But where is he now?" asks Mabel, knowing she has heard enough. "Up in our room. He's still recovering from last night, well, that's what he says. I wasn't that hard on him. I made him reach ecstasy, and a few dry orgasms, but I wasn't hard on him. Did you guys hear us?" Mabel doesn't know what to think anymore. "Just get out of the room" she says eventually. Bill shrugs and leaves the room, floating through the door. Mabel lies back down on the bed sighing. She covers her eyes and whispers "why?... Why is this happening?"

In the twins' old room, Dipper is lying naked on his bed. Mabel's old bed has been moved right beside his, so it feels like a bed for two. Bill left the room a while ago, presumably to troll Mabel. He wants to go downstairs but is still recovering from the absolute and pure pleasure he got the night before. He smiles as he thinks about all of it again. Every single amazing moment he had with Bill, but frowns when he thinks about the equally many moments of the horrible things Bill did. He's still confused weather he likes Bill or not, but always keeps it at the back of his head, so Bill can't find it. Because in truth, Dipper loves and hates him equally. Each thing Bill does, he compliments it with the opposite and its driving Dipper crazy. "Something the matter, Pine Tree?" he hears near the bed. Dipper looks up at Bill with a small smile, "not really, but still yes." Bill sighs, "you confuse me Pine Tree." Dipper smirks, "I know." Bill tries to keep his cool, but fails when Dipper raises and lowers his eyebrows. The two of them laugh for a few seconds before Bill breaks the fun, "Pine Tree, what happened in your mind when you said you loved me?" Dipper looks at Bill, "it was the heat of the moment. I wasn't thinking. But... I still do love you." Bill peers his eyes. He can tell Dipper is lying to him, and yet, he isn't. This confuses him a lot. There have been a lot of confusing things happening with them over the years. That's why Bill decided to head towards Gravity Falls so he could figure this all out while Dipper had no clue.

Ford has been in his lab these 3 days Bill and Dipper have been in Gravity Falls. He has been reading the book Dipper handed to him when he came back. It has more creatures from all over the globe and everything about them. 10 years with that freak and he has gotten smarter. He had new ways of observing the creatures. New ways for defeating them in more ways than one. After Ford has closed the book for the 6th time, he noticed something. There was an extra page hidden in the cover. Ford carefully slides out the paper and looks at it. It's a drawing of Bill in his human form and facts about his streingths and weaknesses. Just to be sure, Ford shines the blacklight on the paper. His eyes wide as he sees all of his insides and plane facts about his body. On his heart it says "useless", near his mouth it says "poison does not work", on the lungs it says "can take anything, even water", ect. This looks like he tried to do a lot of things to Bill to escape. Ford wonders if Dipper still has the spirit to try other ways to kill Bill.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2018 ⏰

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