The One-Legged Boy And I

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Yeah this is my new book (Haha I know! Why the hell am I startng a new book when I already have loads of others I bearly update) Oh well! Haters going to Hate. Hope you like this story! Cover made by Chocolov3r!!

Chapter 1

I closed over the book and placed it on the window seat. I examined the cover of my favourite book 'Wish For More'. I had just finished it two seconds ago for the fourth time and I was already planning the fifth.

I glanced out my bedroom window, looking at all the people walking by, going about their business. They all had coats wrapped around them and a couple of people had scarfs.

"Emily, Dinner!" my mothers voice echoed from the bottom of the stairs. Instead of replying,  I got up quickly and jogged down the stairs. I slowed down as I reached closer to the  kitchen and skidded right inside, earning a dirty look from my mother. I looked at the dining room table and saw my father. He usually is never home in time for dinner so this was quite an odd sight. He was shovelling some beef into his mouth and then wiping his mouth with a napkin.

"Your dinner is over there." My mother pointed towards my place setting and then she herself sat down. I looked at the plate before me, as I predicted,  beef and potatoes.  Surprise, not. I picked up my fork and played with the food.

"How come people can walk around with coats and scarfs on? They must be mad. I think we should get out of this place as soon as possible in case we catch the madness too." I broke the silence. I looked at my own outfit that only consisted of a tank top and a pair of shorts.

"People live here, they're use to hotter weather. You're not in Ireland anymore ,Sweetie." My mother replied before shovelling a piece of meat in her mouth.

"I wish I was" I wispered but I don't think they heard me.

"Anyway,  we are already mad, we can't catch something we already got! We are going to settle in here just fine." My mother beemed, looking over to my father who just nodded in agreement.

"I don't want to settle in." I deadpanned, loud enough for them to hear this time. My mother put her utensils down and finished chewing her food, staring at me the whole time.

"Emily." My father warned, looking at me and then my mother, "Don't start this again.This is our new home and will be for a long time. We will visit Ireland again, loads of girls would love to be in your shoes. You are in the big Apple young lady, you should be ecstatic. You're starting your new school tomorrow, which is one of the best in the state I may add. So you better put on a smile and just get on with it."

My mother didn't say a word, which was even more scarier.  I stared at her, expecting her to say something aswell. But she didn't.  I pushed out my chair and threw my napkin on my bearly eaten dinner plate. I marched out the room in a manner a three year old child would when throwing a tantrum.  I blame it on the teenage hormones.

Sitting on my bed, I heard the ping of my laptop. It was a Skye video chat request. Pressing accept and Ryan and Andy pop up on my screen.

"Dia Duit, Conas atá tú?" Andy screemed into her mic. Her dirty blonde hair swishing about as she bounced with excitement.  Ryan watched her with both amusement and worry for her sanity.

"I'm okay, just a little deaf from your shouting." I replied, laughing at the end.

"Me too, Andy we are right here not on the bloodly moon!" Ryan's sexy british accent I have come to love spoke. Don't get me wrong,  I love Ryan just not in that way. I use to have a small crush on him in primary school but I'm way over it now, we are just really good friends.

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