Chapter 11: Freaking Me Out

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- 2 Day Later -

[ July 23rd, Monday ]

- Jc's Apartment -

~ Kian's Pov. ~

Doctor: Hello I will be Kylie's doctor for today, which one of you are the parent of her?

Kian: We both are. 

Doctor: Okay. Today I'm gonna give her heart an ultrasound and check out her heart monitor. You reported that it wasn't working properly right?

Kian: Yes. 

Doctor: Then I'm gonna prescribe new medication for her since she will be 6 soon and needs to have the appropriate bunch for her age stage and she'll also be getting blood drawn to check everything. 

She then goes over to the ultrasound machine that's on the side of the bed Kylie was laying on. The doctor did a ultrasound checking that her heart wasn't enlarged or anything or wasn't irregular, when she was almost done a nurse walked in with a new heart monitor for her and attached it to her. After she put her shirt back on then the nurse drawn her blood. She wasn't fazed by it since she's done it so many times, she stopped the tears and got over it. 

Doctor: Her heart is pretty good and seems fine, but I'm concerned abut her weight. How large are her meals?

Kian: Like regular sized, small portions of food, the same as her twin brother.

Doctor: How much does her twin brother weigh?

Kian: I think around the mid 40 sections.

Doctor: She is going down into 30 pounds, so I recommend that you give her larger portions since her body is taking food differently since she has an infection and her medications gives her a fast metabolism. Try giving her slightly giant portions or more foods that have a little more fat, but not a lot of sugar that could cause diabetes and in her case, that would be very bad and put her life in major danger. 

Kian: Are there any foods she should be cautious of?

Doctor: No, she should fine. 

Kian: Alright, thank you doctor.

Doctor: No problem.

The doctor leaves and we soon head out shortly, getting into the car heading to the pharmacy in CVS to get Kylie medication. While I was getting the medication Jc went off into the store with Kylie to do who knows what. Once I was done I headed to the front of the store to see Jc with a bag in his hands while carrying Kylie in his arms.

Kian: Why you carrying her?

Jc: Why not?

Kian: Because your babying her and she'll think that she could get what she wants.

Jc: Calm down, I do this all the time with Brooklyn, I know how to set boundaries.

Kian: I was just saying.

Jc: I have make up time with her and I want to spoil her and Carter just a little. You over stress too much and now that their here and I could see them in person for a while, I want to make up time and just bond with them. That's why I want to spend the next two weeks with them, alone.

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