Coming Out

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Deans eyes fluttered open an rolled over to look at Sam but gasped loudly as he saw Sam's arm around Castiel and Castiel's head on his brothers chest. As dean gasped Sam woke up an saw Castiel's head on his chest an smiled then tapped his shoulder to snap him out of his deep trance. After being tapped by Sam he awoke an smiled seeing Sam then looked over at Dean and crawled off the bed as Sam flung his legs around off the bed.
"What dean?"
Sam said threw a groggy voice. Dean blinked an looked at both of them
"Oh I don't know, maybe it's the fact I wake up to see all of this."
He drew a circle around the area Sam an Castiel were in an Sam glared at Dean
"I don't think it's any of your business what all this is dean?"
Dean glared at Sam
"Well it kind of is my business if my brother and are fae of an angle are hooking up two inches from my bed" Sam stared at Dean an then looked at Castiel.
"Dean, were not hooking up.....well, not yet anyway."
Sam blushed looking at Castile, then back at Dean.
"So what are you telling me Sam, your gay?"
Sam looked down then back up biting his lip
"Well I mean every girl I have been with either dies or we'll turns out to be a bad guy an we have too gank them"
Dean blinked an then looked at Castiel "So then Sam."
Sam breathed in then nodded shyly while looking up at Castiel.
"Yea....I guess I am Dean."
Cas blushed a bit an then sat back down by Sam an put his head on his shoulder an looked at Dean.
"So Is this a problem dean?"
Sam asked a bit nervously. Dean shook his head an stood up
"No its not a problem Sammy just I mean.....Better with an angle then a demon right."
Sam nodded at Dean and put his arm around Castile sighing in relief that his brother didn't go crazy like when he use to bring up Ruby.
"So should we get breakfast or something."
Cas finally said as the tension in the room lighted an Sam smiled at him "sure Cas want to join dean"
Dean was now rummaging threw the mini bar an had half a bottle of Whisky in his mouth an looked over at Sam an Castiel an muttered threw his teeth
" you to go I'll be fine here"
Sam sighed an stood up taking Castiel by the hand and smiling and headed to the nearest restaurant.

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