Breakfast at Tiffany's

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Sam held Castiel by his hand as they walked to the Impala.
"So wear to Cas."
Castile  smiled
"Why not here?"
he said as he teleported him an Sam to the famous Tiffany's Café an Sam blink
"Cas I cant afford this I mean how...." Castiel put his finger to Sam's lips an leaned in kissing him softly
"I promise Sam money isn't a issue" Sam's eyes widened an then relaxed kissing Castile back softly then pulled back smiling before he ran his fingers along Castile's cheek then dropped them to his side an headed towards the Café door an opened it "After you angel"
Sam snickered to him self if only people knew the things he did.  As Castiel walked in Sam closed the door behind them an the Hostess at the podium stood in front of them "Welcome to Tiffany's how many she asked?"  
Sam smiled at Castiel an then the Hostess
"Two please."
Sam said politely before fallowing her to there table an taking a seat as she placed the menus on the table "your waiter will be right with you" The hostess then walked away back to her podium an Sam looked at Castiel as he sat and then looked at the menu an his eyes went wide as he swallowed hard
"Cas a damn bacon an egg plate is 75 dollars"
Castiel pulled his wallet out an put it on the table an smiled
"Sammy its not a problem."
Sam smiled sweetly
"Then I will have that an a sparkling water."
Castiel smiled an nodded as the waiter came an he opened his wallet giving him the full payment before ordering with a 15% tip an then smiled
"He will have the eggs an bacon with a glass of sparkling water."
the waiter smiled and nodded before heading back an after about ten minutes the food came out an the waiter placed it on the table
"Enjoy your meal sir."
Sam then looked at Castiel an passed him a piece of bacon an smiled an watched as he took an ate it before he dug into his breakfast.  after a few minutes Sam finished eating then took a sip of his drink an smiled at Castile "Thank you for this Cas."
Castiel nodded at Sam then stood up looking up at the clock
"We should get back shouldn't we Sam"
Sam nodded an took Castiel's hand an walked outside with him before being teleported back to the motel.  Once they both arrived at the Motel Sam gasped an saw that the door was wide open an from wear he stood looked like it was broken off the hinges.  He called out for his brother before pulling his pistol out in a state of caution an proceed into the room seeing it in shambles with a broken devils trap that was burned into the floor Sam put his gun away an huffed in sadness and frustration.   "FUCK!"
Sam yelled as loud as he could before leaning on the wall an looked at Castiel who stood in the door way holding his angel blade as if ready to fight.  

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