Great! Anymore surprises?

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Upturning Frown ~


Monkeys appearing from every direction came running towards me. These monkeys were somewhat smilling widely, weirdly might I add, and making those annoying chirps. It makes my ears wince and my fear towards them increases.

The environment surrounding me is glaringly white, squinting my eyes as I try to understand what is happening. Sweat trickled on my forehead as my heart pumping hard in my chest. Where the hell am I? I was breathing heavily as anxiety catches it, leaving me standing in fear. Vicious looking monkeys baring their sharp teeth at me, eagerly chasing after me.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

What? Where did that sound came from? Whatever it was, that sound probably saved my life. The monkeys stopped dead on their tracks and stared wide-eyed at me. Their eyes drilling holes at me without a slightest movement.

At least they're not getting closer to me. When I felt a rush of relieve from the dreadful situation, the monkeys' mouth then slowly carved a big smile while they toddled slowly towards me. They walked four-footed towards me but my body wouldn't react to the situation, curiosity held my posture.

Are they really going to eat me? Or maybe they're seeking help... from me.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

There it is again. This time my head felt heavy. It felt like some invisible force is pushing my head down towards the unknown earth. I tried to fight back but my system in my body isn't responding. I managed to look back the monkeys just to have my frown deepened more.

I saw the monkeys were gaggling but I only hear their chirps muffled. It felt like where I close my ears with earplugs and everything seemed uneven to me. My eyes felt like drooping with each organ in my body gradually stops working. I could just make out what the monkeys did in my last few moments.

They were laughing at me. Monkeys, mocking me, pointing their hairy finger at me and laughing... at me.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

-Grunt, shifts to the other side of the bed-

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

-Moans annoyingly, places pillow over head-


My hand subconsciously moved limply to my side onto my desk and switched off the horrid alarm. I smiled with satisfaction when the dreaded beeping sound had stopped. I continued sleeping in my warm bed.

Why do people even bother inventing alarm clocks? It just disrupt your sleeping. I relaxed and slowly letting myself drift of to dreamland. Not long after that, cold air was teasingly biting my warm skin. I winced and curled myself into a ball, trying to make myself warmer.

Despite my frail effort, I dared myself to open my eyes in order to find my blanket. My eyes squinted due to the bright light before me as it tries to readjusts to the light. My left arm moved weakly around my bed but to no avail. My blanket was nowhere to be found.

Reluctantly, I pushed myself off of my bed and sat up with my back slightly hunched over. My eyes felt heavy and dry. I blinked several times before letting out a sleepy yawn. After mustering any strength I have earned from sleeping, I tied my hair into a messy bun and went to the bathroom.

What day is today? Since when I put an- wait a minute-the house is still dark. I looked back at my room and white light were shining across the hallway from there. I looked out through the bathroom window and I saw darkness engulfing the light emitting from the lampposts on the streets.

Upturning FrownWhere stories live. Discover now