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BrandonRawrLand: ADD HIM
Duhitzmark: JEEZ OKAY GOD
--Duhitzmark has added DylOnFiraaa--
JullianIsAWerido: who's that?
DylOnFiraaa:what? Who r u!
WhosJovani: oh that's my twin brother Jullian, I'm jovani!
WestonIsHot:Why didn't the cow cross theroad? Cause he was too CHICKEN to do it😂. I'm Weston, Weston KOURY .
MarioIsTheNewLuigi: Sup I'm Mario, The boss of Lugi. Mario Selman😏 not the mustache mario😂
DylOnFiraaa:Can I leave now?
MarioIsTheNewLuigi: nope you are held CAPTIVE
DylOnFiraaa: Jeez..Anyone else I should know?
JullianIsAWerido: Jacob,Johnny,Hunter, Blake,and Bryce.
JacobIsSexy😂: I heard my name..oh who is this sweetie😏 Let me see your booty😂😂JK JK JK! can we see a pic of you?

JullianIsAWerido: ZAMNWhosJovani: cuteWestonIsHot: Hot asfDuhItzMark: Burning😍JacobIsSexy: dang gurlMarioIsTheNewLugi: Zamn😘DylOnFiraaa: okay

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JullianIsAWerido: ZAMN
WhosJovani: cute
WestonIsHot: Hot asf
DuhItzMark: Burning😍
JacobIsSexy: dang gurl
MarioIsTheNewLugi: Zamn😘
DylOnFiraaa: okay..thanks😂👍🏻
WestonIsHot: No seriously doe
DuhItzMark: Dyl pm..

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