A new Youtuber

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Dylan's POV
--months l8r--
  Everyone was at my house except my mom because she was at a biznuess trip.me and the girls (Loren, Lauren O ,Yasmin ,Bella ,Ariel,Ari,Valeria,Chloe, Mario's sister, and WESTONS sister.) it was fun. We were in my basement, and the boys were in the living room. Id say the basement is WAY cooler then the other rooms. Anyway we were on YouTube (on the TV) We watch a bit of VladTeeVee, which the girls don't know but I'm trusting my head to keep it safe... Vlad's my Cousin.. I know a little messed.... Anyway stage girls were fangirling over Vlad while i gagged. "Why don't you like him Dyl? Well he's cute thoe.." As soon as I was going to say something the doorbell rang.." DYLAN!some boy wants ya!" Bryce calls out. I run up to the front door to see the only person who unexpectedly visiting.. "VLAD?!?"me and Evan yell. "Holy crap you can yell.." He says. "Dude what are you doing here?" I ask. "Dyl u okay I heard u-" Bella stopped and fangirled. "Vlad your room going to be next to me, u can unpack and meet the boys here. I went downstairs explained the girls everything and yah. We were still on the GOD OF THE INTERNET VIDEOS (lol YouTube). I saw this one Video that was recommended. Her name was SlayLikeAyoncé. She had brown hair with blue highlights. Brown eyes and was almost Brando short..  We watched her videos and we ended up with the boys down with us laughing our lives out.Mario was on my left hand side, Weston on my right, and Vlad on the ground near my feet.
The line Up:
Ground:Cameron, Bryce, Aaron,Vlad, Zach Ariel, Ari.
Main Couch: Loren, Mario, Me, Weston, Lauren.
Side of MC: Cat(left) and Weston's sister (right)
Long couch (beside the MC): Mark,Bella,Nash, Jovani, Julian, Valeria, Chloe, Yasmin, Grace, Matt.
Ground of LC: Hayes, Jonas, Johnny, bren,Hunter,Brandon, NickH, and NickB.
-----------continuing tom Cuase it's fricking 1am where I live------------

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