What if someone adds you in a chat with boys. NOT just some random boys...Vine stars/ Younow stars.Hey I'm Dylan Horton. I'm cousins with Nick Horton.Anyways, I got added into this chat with The VineStar and Younow boys.I know them because im a Vine...
JulianIsWeird: So do you forgive us Dyl? DylOnFiraaa: mmh MarioDaBoss: Dyl what u make them do? DylOnFiraaa: made Em run 10miles in a bikini yellin "DYL IS THE BEST SASSIEST, WEIRDEST, AND FISTIEST GIRL WE KNOWN" JovaniJara: and I'm fucking sweating... JulianIsWeird: I got a boys number.... DylOnFiraaa: wtf😂 MarioDaBoss: if u try anything with my boo, you gonna get it Jovani. JovaniJara: I won't! DylOnFiraaa: Oh you have to Babysit me Idk why tho I'm 16 too! MarioDaBoss:Would u like a flashback of last Brodcast when u were alone? DylOnFiraaa: So? I broke A vase! MarioDaBoss: and a plate... JovaniJara: You also whacked yourself with a sword.. DylOnFiraaa: ...yea Oka. Mario you have to be over here by 1:30. MarioDaBoss:it's 1:27.. DylOnFiraaa: IK get your ass over here! CameronD:savage ASF! EvTheVan: yea.. Gracie: Guys,uploaded a video so like the damn video would ya? MattE:aw I love you😍 Gracie: I love u too Matt 😘 DylOnFiraaa: Matt u better love Grace or I'll freaking kick your ass. MarioDaBoss: OPEN THE DOOR! ------------- --Babysitting-- So anyway, Mario was watching me for a week since my mom had work to work in GA. "I invited the boys Over: well boys and Grace and Ariel" Mario said. "If anything gets messy, your cleaning."I said, going up stairs to change out of my T-shirt and shorts. To:
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I curled my hair and put on lipgloss,eyeliner, and eyeshadow. Grace was dressed up in:
Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.
And Ariel wore:
Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.
And Mario was trying to impress me by wearing a tux. "Mario you don't have too😂" "Yea I do, even though I hate tuxes,you mean more to me" Mario states. "Okai den Marihoe"I say.