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So today i'm going to London, im really excited. I dont really know the place, but i'm going with one of my best friend's Nevada. She is fun to have around. We share a lot of interests; 5sos,1D,Black Butler,Attack Of Titan,Black Veil Brides. Oh my goodness we have a lot more but im not going to name them all!!😂

I'm still on the plane so this will take awhile. Nevada is already at the hotel waiting for me. I am just sitting down relaxing ,drinking champagne and watching Family Guy on the TV. I'll probably get drunk just wait and see, but all I wanted right now was to be in London "When am I going to be in London" I mumbled to myself. I started dreaming about meeting a perfect someone in Londonfor a while at least it felt like a lifetime. But Nooo my dream had to get interrupted by the intercom. I kept mumbling "Please be in London!!" And at the same time I still wanted to sleep.

Finally the captain said "We are now about to land in London,England. I hope you enjoyed the flight, join us again at British Airways." I screamed,"Finally." Then everyone kept looking at me weird and I whispered,"I'm just really excitied this is my first time in London." The lady that was across from me said,"Well enjoy London, it's a very beautiful city."

The airplane landed and all of us have gotten off. I started speedwalking inside of the airport then I started to look for my suitcase, my suitcase was mint with gold chevron on it. I can say it was very noticeable. Finally I found my suitcase after five minutes, I thought it was gonna be easy, but apparently there were a lot of people on the plane so the machine took awhile to get all the suitcases to us.

I thought London was warm apparently I packed the wrong stuff. I stepped outside I was freezing my butt off, I mumbled, "Why do you do this to me London." I ordered an uber after couple of minutes of weirding off. I decided to put in headphones and started listening to  "Perfect by One Direction." I started jamming when I mean by that is, I started doing the worst dance moves in the entire world. Well not exactly, let me just say I "think i'm drunk." I might have drank to much Champagne!!

The Uber came and I was excited, "I'm almost home." Well London will become my home for awhile.

I know this chapter is not that long but I hope you will enjoy the next part of my fanfictions. Later on I will probably update this!!

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