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Light shone into the room and illuminated the dark cabin. He sat on the ground, contemplating his loss. "What did I do to deserve this?" was the question that plagued his mind. In pursuit of the answer, he only came to fear himself more and more...until he became dangerous to everyone around him. The silence was broken with an eerie scream coming from beneath him. Not phased at all, he still sat there...pondering this question over and over.

The darkness crept over his skin, from his heart, to his neck, choking out the little light left within him. The shifty figure protruded from its hiding place as the light came up its meatless feet to his fleshy eyes. Jaden stared at it with delight, thinking to himself, "Death has finally came for me".

How thrilled he was...to finally be rid of this world. "One less meaningless person in the world" was his last thought...or so he thought. With no tongue, no teeth, no gums and no meat, the dark figure said articulately, " Fear is my name and Fear is my game". A few words that got through to Jaden. He stood up, leaving a dent in the floor for the many years he has sat at that one place. Fear took him by the hand and led him into the light. Pretty ironic huh?

Heat, light, radiation...all from the sun of which he found outlandish. All his life, he lived in darkness...consumed by its touch. Now having a feel of it, he feared the light more than he did humans. But then, that little light that was in him, burned with compassion for more light. He wanted more..."More more more" he screamed out as if being infused with power. Soon enough, there was darkness once again in the world.
Even Fear feared him. Light shone around him but darkness was in his heart. There was no way he would change. Until Beauty came and wiped out his darkness-ridden heart and purified it with her love.

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