zero | Prologue

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"Hello, welcome to the Kingston Academy for Fine Ladies. How may I help you?"

Again and again this phrase was uttered, as one by one people filed into the lobby, greeting each other, checking in, saying their tearful farewells, and taking advantage of the free snacks set out on the table.

Today was the first day of school, and the occupants of Class 10B would be reunited once more. In some eyes, that was not an exciting prospect, as their class, which they had been in since first grade, did not demonstrate the proper etiquette of which Kingston was known for. No, the class was widely known across the school for their 'troublemaker' status, mainly caused by certain individuals who did not seem to care for their's or their peers' education.

Take Sky and Hannah, for example. They were the queen pranksters in the class, the masterminds behind the screaming teachers, the crying students, and the furious parents. In their attempts to outprank each other, the two would wreak havoc on the school, causing the bills for their class to cost more than the ones of the other tenth grade classes combined. In fact, twice Sky had nearly been expelled, but luckily for her, the school decided against it, believing that she may do good subjecting to change.

Sometimes, the school regretted their decision, wishing she had been expelled. Talk about a difficult life.

Then there was Barbie, the richest girl and also the dumbest, hence the nickname. She loved to complain- complain about her boarding school, her ruined dress, hair, or high heels, complain that she wasn't back in Malibu where she apparently possessed a five story mansion.

What a nightmare. And the three alone could cause so much trouble.

One by one, students lifted their luggage from their cars, hugging their parents goodbye and entering the building.

The Kingston Academy was known for its magnificent decoration, and the lobby looked more like a hotel one than a school administrative office. A large chandelier swung from the ceiling, which was shared with the top of the building. The floor was a rich scarlet velvet carpet, and the walls were covered in exquisite paintings.

The building was especially unique, as it was circular, designed in a way so that you could see all the floors, which circled in accordance to the walls, from the lobby. If someone were to take an elevator to the highest floor, by peering over the railing, they would be able to see the ground.

Now, as usual, the lobby was filled with parents checking in their students and girls catching up on their summer. There were thirteen gleaming mahogany desks with gold veneers, one for each grade K-12, and each desk had administrators in pencil skirts and pressed blouses helping parents and children check in and find their rooms.

An elevator which headed for the twelfth floor revealed the location of the tenth grade dormitories. According to their arrangements, each student was to occupy a double room large enough to contain two people. Not all were happy with their roommates, however. Some were furious at the prospect of having to bunk with their enemies, which apparently helped 'increase cooperation'.

Although classes were set to begin at ten, the residents of class 10B had decided to meet at nine thirty and catch up with one another. So, after unpacking their bags, all students headed downstairs towards the second floor, where classes were held, each entering the room, then immediately dropping what what they were holding to run and greet their classmates.

"Sky!" yelled Barbie, and she rushed to hug her friend. "I went on, like, this awesome trip to Daddy's house in Paris, and I bought a new dress and high heels, and I ate at the most famous restaurant in the world, and it was so fun, I bet you're totes jealous-"

Sky listened with a bored look on her face, before interrupting. "We went on a trip to Spain. Ugh. More like I was forced. I BEGGED them to take me to the New York prankfest, but noooooo..."

Across the room, Diva and Mikayla were chatting.

"I went to India, as usual. It was pretty fun though," Mikayla said, smiling.

"Poor you. We stayed with family in Los Angeles. It was fun," replied Diva.

Partycake (The class was also known for its unusual nicknames) and Juila were having a discussion whether or not the former should throw a get together party during the night.

"Hey, Julia! Got the DJ mood? That's right. Save it for the party. Best blowout party ever."

"It's Juila," she responded indignantly. "And I guess I can't say no to DJ..."

In the corner, Hannah sat alone as usual, sulking.

Emma and Clara entered the room, each with a disgruntled look on their face. It was clear that they were not pleased to be back in class, with their peers who did not take education seriously.

It took fifteen minutes for everyone to catch up with the latest gossip, calm down, and unpack their school supplies.

"Alright everybody, settle down!"

Everyone started suddenly. No one had been expecting their teacher to come into the room at that exact moment.

Mrs. Elisabetta Edmonton had been teaching these seventeen girls since they were five and six. She knew each one of them very well, and had learned how to foil pranks and terrify children - both essential tasks if you were going to teach girls like Sky Larson and Hannah Wilson. With her square glasses, tightly braided bun, and expensive yet simple skirts and shirts, she had been teaching at the Academy for a good thirty-five years. Now, at the age of fifty-five, she was gearing up for retirement - but she was determined to finish teaching this batch of teens.

Accompanying their teacher was a girl with chocolate brown hair. Everyone stared at the newcomer. In the corner, Sky and Barbie giggled about what prank to pull on this naive girl.

"Hello, class. Before we start, I'd like to introduce Addison Taylor, who wishes to be known as Addie. She has successfully passed all of the rigorous entrance tests, which is more than what I can say for some of you."

Mrs. Edmonton shot a look at Sky and Hannah. Emma snickered.

"You may sit down, Addie. And without further ado, let us begin. Welcome back, everyone. Welcome to Grade Ten."

Time for another year at Kingston Academy for Fine Young Ladies.

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