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(((We're just going to go with hormones in Kaneki's case)))
One day Kaneki was sluggishly making his way down town, prowling for any unsuspecting prey to eat. He was famished after his little bow chica wow-wow session with his mysterious anonymous lover, Jason.
Kaneki pulls over his hood to hide any lingering evidence of of Ghoul remnants and messy strangly hair from fun times.
Kaneki made his way to his house and brewed a fresh cup of coffee, placing 3 extra flavouring cubes into the brew to quench back the temptations.
Hide entered the room with a cheery expression painted against his white canvas face.
And boy was it white. It looked almost tender to the touch, Kaneki would beg to see the day to hear Hide screaming in pleasure as he ripped apart the meat from his shoulder, tendons snapping sending bloody love over Kaneki's face.
But, Hide didn't know yet that Kaneki was part ghoul. His childhood friend: