Chapter Seven: I swear my sister is insane

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Gaaria POV
I feel as my eyes widen at my sister's words. I then cover my mouth and I can feel my throat holding laughter back. Suddenly I can't hold it back anymore and I burst into laughter.
"W-what is so funny?" I look at my sister who has this dumbfounded face.
"Love is so new to you, you've never had a different love other than loving family."
"I don't understand."
"Sister allow your heart to guide you and you will find love, but if you do get with him let him know that I will not hesitate to kill him."
Sasukeia POV
".. I will not hesitate to kill him." I dark aura comes off my sister. He hair covers her eyes and an evil grin appears on her face. I have never seen my sister like this so I become I little scared. She looks up and smiles like nothing had happened.
"Anyway what happened that made you suddenly have these feelings towards Sasuke?" I mischievous grin creeps onto her face.
I feel my cheeks heat up.
I-I uuuhhh,ummm,"
"This is hilarious to watch you stutter and all but I need to know what happened sister."
"Wellhehadpinnedmedownandhesgartedsayingstuffandididntknowwhattodosoiran." I blurted out. My sister gave me a are you serious look with her mouth open.
"I didn't understand anything you just said."
"Cant you just send a little of one of your demons chakra to figure it out?"
Gaaria POV
"Have you lost your childhood memories?!"
"I don't know?"
"Last time I tried to do that the person was close to death you idiot!"
"And last time is was a normal everyday townsman! I am not your every day person!"
"You got to learn how to do it at some point don't you?! So start training on it now!"
"Fine, close your eyes and try your best not to anger the tailed beast I use please."
Gaaria POV
I close my eyes and head into my mind where the the beasts lay. I walk around the halls that are stained. I come to one of the beasts named Cryno. The gates that hold him are black and have something carved in the bars that I do not understand. I walk up to his gate.
"Hey you big mut,wake up I need you to do something for me." A large dark figure comes to the gate.
"What is it this time little girl?" His voice is slightly low.
"My sister wants me to send you into her mind so I figure out what happened between her Sasuke."
"This is why you need my help?"
"She refuses to say out loud and when she did she said it too fast for me to understand."
"Alright, I'll go, I will do my best to avoid to any damage or hurt to your sister."
"Kill her and you will die, I will make sure of it if it means killing myself in the process."
"You are loyal to her, that is a nice trait." I slightly open the gate.
"Lets just get this over with." Some of his chakra seeps out and goes into my sister's mind. In her mind it all plays like a movie. I see from her eyes. The 'movie' finishes and I call Cryno's chakra back. I close the gate and open my eyes to see the sunlight and check on my sister. I look up at her and she is looking at me. Thankfully she is fine.
"So he pinned you down,kinky." An evil grin creeps onto my face.
"Wait! What?!"
"Never mind." I get up and walk to my sister.
"Go ahead and go after him." A dirty smirk comes across my face.
"And if you two get together and are absolutely certain you want each other, let him touch in all those places you like." I walk away and I can tell that she is blushing like crazy. A small devil chuckle escapes my lips as I walk away. I see Gaara coming up the mountain.
"What you doing Gaara?" He looks up at me and smiles.
"I was looking for you."
"Ohh how sweet of you." I go over to him and hug him. We walk down the mountain. We head back to his room at the hotel. We walk inside his room and he kisses me and I kiss him back. His arm wraps around my waist. I wrap my arms around his neck. He slowly pins me to the wall. He kisses my lower neck,he bites me and because of the tailed beasts I growl slightly. He sucks where be bit me. He stops and looks at me with a satisfied grin. He kisses me and heads to the bathroom. I follow him and he is standing by the mirror. I look in the mirror and notice that where he bit a Fucking hickey!!!!!!! I glare at him and he chuckles. I playfully punch him in the arm and we both chuckle.
"I need something to cover this otherwise my sister will freak out and then come after you." He walks over to his bag and pulls out a black jacket. I put it on and it fits perfectly, and luckily the floor covers up the hickey.
"Well that's a relief." I look at Gaara confused.
"Whats a relief?"
"The jacket fits, I bought it for you. I was going to give it to you when I was going to ask you out but I got so stressed that I forgot it." I place my hands on his chest.
"Well I have it now, and I absolutely love it." I kiss him and he kisses back. We break away.
"Gaara I'll be back I need to go see if my sister is still frozen atop the mountain."
"Ok, I need to go check on Konkuro and Temari, ill see you later." We both walk out and I head for the mountain while he goes to find his sister and brother. I go atop the mountain and see that my sister had left.
"She finally got up." I say aloud to myself. I sit down, a few feet away from the edge. I look over the village.
A beautiful place this is..

Thank you guys so much for reading this chapter and I will try to get a picture of the heaven and hell curse mark up soon! Thank you!
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