chpt. 1

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----*Nelly's POV*----

I woke up to niall's tight grip around my waist. I didnt even feel when he did that. but i just brushed it off and took his arm from around me and walked towards the bathroom but,

" nell?" siad a raspy voice.

" yea? sorry i didnt mean to wake you ni." i appoligized.

" its fine, i needed to wake up anyway right" he said getting up from the bed and walking towards me....

"hey nell?"

" yea?" i replied

"i.. umm .. nevermind.." he stuttered out nervousely.

As soon as he left my room, i went into my closet and grabbed my towel and my ipod. then i went into the bathroom and took my warm shower. when i was done i herd niall calling me from his room. I walked into his room but, he wasnt in there... just as i was about to walk out of the room, he jumped out from behind the door and closed it. it scared the abselute fuck out of me!!

"What the fuck niall!! u scared me!" i screamed but stoped when i saw that niall was.... naked?

"why are u naked ni?" i asked suspiciously.

" nothin really" he said getting closer to me.

"I should go.. " i said trying to leave but niall grabbed my wrist! pretty tight if u ask me. he then spun me around to face him and my towel dropped.

"Woaw" he said looking at my soaking wet body infront of him...

---*Niall's POV*---

Nelly's towel fell off right in front of me!! she is im not supposed to say this!!! she's my sister!!

I pulled her closer... and i leaned in and our lips touched and we started to kiss... i swiped my tongue over her bottom lip for access which she granted. the kiss was getting passionate but all of a sudden we herd foot steps and we stoped. she smiled sheepishly, grabbed her towel, wrapped it around her and ran to her room to get dress for school.

I plopped down on my bed and stared at the ceiling.

'what did u just do niall!?' i asked my self.

Do i really like my sister?



Did u like the chapter?? i hope u did !!

well i gtg eat dinner so


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2013 ⏰

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