Part 1.

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I always liked the story of us, you know. I was working at the local bar downtown when you walked in and ordered a cup of coffee. A lot of celebs had been to our little café, claiming we had the best coffee but it was the first time you ever came there and I was starstruck. I had been into you, from the very first time I saw you when you auditioned for the x factor. In my trance I accidently threw the fuming coffee over your lap and you cursed me out for the first few seconds and I honestly felt like I was about to cry and you could see it in my eyes, you said. You didn't know what to do, with a nearly crying waitress and your lap was on fire, I could clearly see that in your eyes. So my brother came down and decided to give you some of his clothes and you actually left to a meeting in his clothes. I honestly was very proud of that moment.

From that day, you came every Saturday you were in town, around exactly 4 p.m. Because you knew that was my break and we could chat a little and I wondered if you planned it, but I never did it just happened. I fell in love with you, but not the way you fall asleep, as my favorite writer always described. The fall happened slowly, but the crash was hard and you weren't there to catch me, instead you picked me up.

You and my brother Ben were best friends, and I still don't really get why you liked him that much because he's a pain in the ass, I think it was just because you were both the same age and obsessed with porn or something, only god ever knew what the two of you did in that room. I liked the way my family liked you. Of course they did, you had been my only friend except Jonah of course. You actually treated me like you cared for me.

You waited for me after school, at the café and no one realised you had been my friend. One side of me wanted to show off and tell the world you were my best friend but I knew they would laugh at me and think I was even more crazy, because that's what they always told me. But you said they were liars and that I wasn't. My parents had said that too when I was younger, that these kids from my school just didn't understand my way of living but I always wondered what was so different from mine. They would roll their eyes when I suddenly started smiling in class because I reminded some silly thing you said a few days earlier. They would laugh at me when I wrote my greatest moments down at school. Maybe it was true, they didn't understand my way of living. Maybe they thought I had this boring life but they never knew what went through once I got home, I actually had the best time ever, especially when you came into my life.

But we couldn't tell them, we couldn't even tell the world, only Jonah. I thought he would keep it a secret and he would understand. My last days of senior year were coming closer and I was planning on going to prom with Jonah, just make an appearance and leave. But a few days before you asked me if I could be your promdate and girlfriend. I cancelled on Jonah and he called me crazy, not crazy with a silly tone, crazy in the way the other kids had always said I was. He broke my heart, on one of our last days together, but you were there and supported me. We changed my room into a beautiful scene, drunk punch and danced around a little. Ben invited Lacey, his girlfriend and we danced together. At one point my parents joined. It was probably the best night of my life.

The years flew by, each day you made sure I knew I was beautiful and you kissed me in my sleep. You cuddled me up when I was nervous and drove me to college for my very first day. Thinking the kids there would be more mature but no, I was still crazy in their eyes. Which left me all alone with my notebook and my favorite novels. But I knew somehow you were there, surrounding me. Your voice sounded, telling me I was special and beautiful, that I was worth it. I imagined you kissing my cheeks and it would make my day.

I always loved the fact I thought like that, because whenever you were with the other boys, or just on tour in general I could just close my eyes and imagine you were there surrounding me. It was like we were meant to be, soulmates you know? Connected with a string. Even if the both of us were seperated, a part was still with each other, because we were connected.

You're in ozzz now, that's how you like to call it. I prefer to call it down under haha. I miss you a lot. I don't feel well and I wish you could be here and say my name wrong once again. When I close my eyes you're saying fans, just like you always do. You always say your fans are beautiful, and I tease you because I'm your girlfriend, yet you keep calling me a fan. I laugh at you, because you really are crazy, but in the fun way, not in the way people like to call me crazy.

I hope when you're back I will be healthy and strong again, because I feel really weak lately. I actually missed some classes. But I also hope I could hear you say my name, because you never said that simple word before.

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