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Soulmates are not only connected with a string, they are built out of strings. If the strings inside of one person breaks, the other one's break too but the string between the both of them stays and pull each other together. So they can leave together, as they play the broken strings of their instruments for the last time. They won't feel any pain, they won't feel any love. They won't feel anything, except one thing. They would feel the string that connected them break, so they will know they finally found their soulmate.  

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I applause you for coming this far because I thought you would quit when you saw the cheesyness at the beginning hahaha. I hope you liked the idea of it, it's written very quickly but I really loved every second writing it. It may be confusing but if you don't understand it just private message me and I'll explain the story a bit more in detail hahaha. Let me know what you thought of it, this was an ultimate short shortstory & it's finished so now I'm focussing on shattered again! Kisses x x x

Broken strings - HS oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now