Chapter 9

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The sun woke Missy as she slowly opened her eyes. She slowly sat and she realized that she's on the couch and not her bed. She panicked as she remembered what happened last night. Peter held her close as the rain and thunder keep pouring. She blushed thinking of what happened.

She then scan the room and Peter was nowhere in sight. She stood and there on the coffee table was a note. It was in a piece of ripped notebook. She grabbed the paper and saw a disheveled handwriting "Hey Missy, good morning. Just wanna say thank you for the accommodation last night. I left early because I don't want to be late to class, I'll see you at school then.

P.S I left your dad's shirt on the chair

P.P.S If you don't mind, I found your laundry area and grabbed my shirt and coat from the dryer

P.P.P.S I'm so glad to see you silently sleeping like an angel on the couch last night. I hope I made you safe and secure from the thunder, Peter x"

Missy smiled and she blushed from his last words. Peter is such a nice guy. Come to think of it, he didn't do anything stupid to Missy. She plastered a goofy smile remembering last night's events. Missy didn't even expect that Peter will be the one to comfort her from her fear of thunder.

She was reliving the moment when she 'Achooed' and a snot came running down her nose. She wiped her nose using the sleeve of her shirt.

The door sounded and she spun around and saw her father coming inside "dad!" another sneezed "Missy! You sick?" her dad asked as he gave her daughter a bear hugged and let go "I'm okay" she smiled. Missy's father looked around the house, looking for someone then he fix his gaze on his daughter "Where's Peter?" he raise a brow as Missy blushed "He uh –went home. Early in the morning" Missy said looking on her feet "Ha. So I heard loud thunders last night, did you listen to loud music?" her father asked as she blushed even more "Missy? Why are you red all of the sudden?" he asked as Missy bit her bottom lip.

Her father put his hand on her forehead and on her neck "You seem fine, but why are you red?" he asked again as Missy widened her eyes. She looked at father "Better get ready for class" she said hurriedly. She kissed her dad's cheeks and went upstairs.

After preparing going to school, Missy kissed her dad goodbye "Wait" her dad said as she spun around "Yes?"

"Why is my shirt on the chair?" he asked as Missy adjusted her glasses and gulped "Uh –I don't know" she said as she shrugged "Gotta go bye" she said as she ran towards the door, leaving her father confused.

Missy swear, if she ever lie to her father again, she'll shoot herself. She lied many times already. She lied about her work, or she just didn't told her dad about her work, she lied about the lenses' and now, she lied about why his shirt hangs on the chair. Even though they are just small lies, she couldn't bear not telling her father the truth.

She arrived at the school and went towards her locker. The students were now on their regular clothes, no coats and umbrellas. The rain had stopped and Mister Sun was peeking out –thankfully.

Missy opened her locker and sneezed, she shook her head and wiped the snot using a tissue. She put her things on her bag and closed her locker. She walked towards first period when her head began to spin. She stopped and leaned on the wall, she composed herself as the spinning stopped. She continued walking to her first class.

Her first class was geography. She sat at the front row and brought out her notes and books. Their professor came and began the lesson. In the middle of the lesson, Missy felt irritated and she can feel that her breathing was rigid. And every time she breaths out, her breath was hot, not warm. She keeps on sneezing, like 10 times already ever since she stepped inside the classroom.

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