
13 3 1

July 7, 2005

"Thank you for inviting us, Laura." Mrs.Rodriguez said to my mom as I set the snacks on the table.

My mom smiled. "I don't know why you're thanking me. You've been here plenty of times."

Mr.Rodriguez sighed. "What Rosa was trying to say was...thank you for inviting our daughter. She hasn't been good at making friends. She isn't good at communication."

I tried to understand some of the words they spoke but it was difficult. They had a huge foreign accent.

"Oh, I didn't know that. I can get my son over here in a second." I tried turning around to go to my room but- "Matthew! Come here for a minute."

I rolled my eyes and dragged my feet to the kitchen where all the grown-ups stood. "Yes, mom?"

"I want you to-"

I gasped as I saw my best friend enter my home. "Charlie!" I ran up to him and took the present he carried in his hands.

"Happy birthday Matthew!" Charlie gave me a high five. "Bye mom!"

Mine and Charlie's mom laughed. "Well, I guess that's my cue. Bye Laura! I'll be back by five to pick him up."

"Okay. Thank you Barb!" My mom walked her out of the apartment as Charlie and I walk to my room. "Matthew, come here for a second." I walked toward my mom once again.

She bent down a little so she was on my level. "I want you to go ask Maria if she wants to play."

Charlie laughed behind me. "Mother, I'm eight. I don't 'play' anymore. We hang out...and not with girls."

My mom slapped the top of my arm. "Go invite her. Now." I put my hands up in surrender and walked over to the girl sitting on my couch.

"Hi." I said in an accidental rude tone.

"Hey." She returned the same tone.

I cleared my throat. "Okay, you don't have to say yes but do you want to hang out with me and Charlie?"

I saw her look behind me.

"Yeah. Sure." She got up from her spot on the couch.

My eyes got big. "What? Are you sure? Because we're probably just going to ignore you when the rest of my guy friends get here."

She shrugged her shoulders. "I'm okay with that. I'd rather not play with disgusting boys anyways."

I scrunched my nose as she walked in front of me to my room.

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