4: God Save the Queen - The Sex Pistols

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His eyes open, first slowly, and then all at once. The shock takes a while to register, but all he can feel is regret when it does.

He can barely remember what happened last night and he isn't sure that he wants to know. The room is almost destroyed. Glass and fragments from the wall are everywhere and surround his head like a halo. He wishes a shard of glass would slice his neck open. It would hurt less than the guilt and the pounding headache he has.

He goes into the kitchen and grabs an aspirin. He swallows it dry because he's all too used to popping pills at 2:00 in the morning.

He realizes his life is a waste.

It was a waste in Iran and it's a waste here. The regime of the government is too influential on the people of both countries. They should have just killed him the day they found out he was gay.

(gonna be doing heavy editing on this to make it better. i feel that some of it is hella choppy, so i'll be changing that. i feel like this is a shitty chapter. sorry about that.)

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