It Looks Like I Missed You Too

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"Hey, Will are you okay? You look sad."
Madi pulled Will into a check up room.
"It's nothing. I just haven't slept well the past few nights." Madi could tell Will wasn't sleep deprived, but she decided to play along.
"I mean you look really sick. Let me give you a check-up."
"No it's fine Madi, you don't need to do that." Will protested.
"Oh yes I do!" Madi popped a termometer under Will's tongue and began asking him a series of questions.

"Say yes or no after each symptom." Madi instructed.

"I know Madi. I work here." Will grumbled, sounding depressed.

"Sleep loss."
"Random, persistent aches and pain."
"Loss of appetite."
"A feeling of sadness, or hopelessness"
"Drop in self-esteem."
"Are you extra angry or irritable?"
Will looked down at the floor and Madi could hear the pain in his voice.
"Yeah." She plucked the thermometer from his mouth and went to get some other supplies.
"Nico hasn't brought you lunch in a few days." Madi observed, putting the thermometer away, her back to Will, attempting to look busy.
Will's voice broke, "He's at his sister's house."
Madi turned around, sat on a stoll and sighed. "What happened?" She began to take Will's blood pressure.
"I was grumpy. I came home from work and everything was annoying. At first Nico put up with it. He was cooking and Eve was covered in avocado, so he asked me to clean her off." Will began to sob, "I snapped at him. I told him his writing was stupid and that he wasn't trying hard enough. Then I kept yelling and yelling, I got so close to him he fell onto the floor and started to cry. Eve was screaming, Nico was bawling in the corner. When I tried to apologize to him, he told me to go away. I don't blame him." Will took a second to pause, looking ashamed, crying, "So I finished dinner. When he got up he told me he was taking Eve and he was leaving. I begged him to stay. I followed him all around the house. He said he'd be back soon. He wouldn't even promise to come back. He told me not to talk to him. Not to call him. I haven't heard from him for a week. I don't even know if he's really at Hazel's. I miss my family."

Madi frowned sadly at Will,
"Judging from your symptoms, you're overly stressed. It happens to lots of people. You work too much, for one thing, and you have a baby to take care of. I say you need a vacation. I know you've been saving your vacation days for actual vacation but use them now! Your health is at risk." Mad I stood up, hands on her hips and raised he'd eyebrows at Will,  "Now go home, I'll have someone cover your shift. Take a nap, and for Christ sakes call Nico. Tell him about your check-up results." Madi pushed Will out the door. Will threw his arms around Madi. "Thanks Madi. I owe you."

Will toed his shoes off neatly next to the door and trudged up the stairs to his room. The bedroom door was open and the lights were on. He creaked the door open and gasped. Nico was propped against their headboard, holding Eve. He was still wearing shoes, despite the fact both of them were asleep. Will felt like the weight of the world had been lifted from his shoulders. At least he figured that's what it would feel like. He'd have to ask Percy. He climbed onto the plush bed. Nico stirred and opened his eyes.
"Um, hi." Nico seemed tense.

Will smiled as tears rolled down his cheeks, "You came back."
Nico looked down then up again, "I'll always come back. I'm sorry I was gone so long."

"Are you kidding? I'm the one who should be sorry! I didn't mean to. I appreciate everything you do. I think your books are amazing. Better than anything I could do! And I love Eve, I'm sorry I don't take help with her enough. And I love you! I'm sorry!" Will buried his face into Nico's armpit. Nico placed his free arm on Will's back and ran his finger tips under Will's shirt.
"Hey baby?" Nico whispered.
"Mm?" Will's hot breath hit Nico's skin.
"I'm gonna go put Eve down." Nico grinned sinisterly, "Then we can have some fun. How does that sound?"
"Anything you want." Will sat up. He acted calm and collected, but he was eager.

Nico scooted off the bed and began down the hall, Eve in his arms.

Will waited only for a minute before Nico came back, his shirt discarded somewhere in the hallway.

He sat down on the bed in front of Will and kisses him hard, their lips intertwining in a spiral of passion.

Will held Nico close, going slowly and lovingly, trying to make up for his previous actions.

Finally Nico sighed, "Can you hurry up already?"

"Only if you want to." Will kissed Nico's collarbone gently.
"Mmm, I do. Take your shirt off." Nico commanded, yet he beat Will to ripping the cloth off.
"This is all about you. This my apology. I'll only do what you want me to do. You only do what you want to do." Will breathed heavily sucking Nico's neck harder.
"Mmm that sounds nice. For now just keep doing what you're doing." Nico sighed.

"Yes sir." Will began to kiss all down Nico's chest, slowly reaching his groin.
"Get back up here. I'm eager, but I missed you. I want your lips on my lips, not on my dick." Nico laughed. Will came back up to kiss Nico. He swirled his tongue around in his husband's mouth. He loved the taste of Nico's mouth; He chewed gum a lot, so It always tasted like spicy cinnamon. Will began to lick Nico's neck.
"It's been too long." Nico breathed in Will's ear, arching his back as Will kissed the deep crevices of Nico's neck.
"I want on top." Nico rolled on top of Will, and pinned his wrist down.
"I missed you." Will smiled up at Nico. Nico leaned down for a kiss before sitting up on Will's pelvis to take his shirt off. He tossed it across the room, not really caring where it was as long as it wasn't on him and began pulling Will's jeans off. His dick sprang up as soon as his boxers came off. "Somebody is excited." Nico stared at the blonds long penis.
"I told you I missed you." Will grinned.
Nico stood up and stripped himself of his remaining clothes. His dick was hard as a rock. "Looks like I missed you too." Nico laughed. Nico took a second to decide if he wanted to suck or be sucked. Will noticed Nico choosing, he sat up and pulled Nico onto the bed, "Come here, this is about you not me." Will gripped Nico's dick, hard. Nico laid down on the bed and Will took action. He pressed his mouth to Nico's tip and swirled his tongue around it. Nico gasped and moaned a little. Will took in more and more of Nico until he was choking. Are all Italian dicks big? Maybe it was just Nico. Will had been sucking for only a small bit of time when Nico hissed, "Enough. Enough. Please just let me ride you already." Will was not about to oppose. An hour ago Will thought he might loose Nico, now he was getting ready to ride Will's dick. My my how the times change. Once Will had on a condom and Nico was properly lubricated, Nico pushed Will's big dick into his tiny ass. "Oh shit!" Nico moaned, I've been riding this dick for ten years and sometimes it still hurts!"
"We can play more if you're not ready." Will offered.
"No. It doesn't hurt bad. It goes away after a second." Nico began to roll his ass over Will's dick. "Mmm! Ah! Yeah! Gods of Olympus that feels so good!"
Will couldn't help but smile, gods Nico was sexy.
"Baby, I love you. You're so hot!" Will grabbed Nico's back and leaned up so they were face to face, holding each other, moving together.
"Mmm! Oh gods! I'm gonna cum!" Will growled.
"Mmmm! Yeah! Yeah! Ah ha! I! Oh gods! I might too!" Nico screamed.
"Take it down a notch captain, baby on board." But it was too late. Whaaaaaa whaaaaa! The baby monitor screamed from the bedside table.
"Well shit!" Nico cursed, the pair stopping their motions.
"We could finish first." Will suggested. Nico didn't look happy.
"Fine. You finish alone and I'll got get her. Nico hopped off and continued. Will jerked it fast and came before he put his jeans on. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

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