Despite being ridiculed by Nia about the awful hangover I was sporting, Monday was dull and tedious. The cake orders seemed never ending and headache only worsened. The little sleep I had managed to get the night before wasn’t helping. My eyes were burning from the lack of sleep. My head was spinning and not just from the alcohol.
I hated to sound like one of those cliché dramas, but I spent most of Monday morning eyeing the front door and sliding across the kitchen every time the doorbell chimed. I wasn’t waiting for a prince to come a whisk me away off my feet… that’s what I told myself anyway. Although my inner conscious knew that wasn’t true.
My thoughts had been distracted ever since last night. I couldn’t comprehend what happened nor why, but I wanted it to happen again. Was it his mysterious demeanour that intrigued me? His annoyingly good looks? Or his charming persona? I digress, it was all three.
Dom either didn’t notice, or didn’t say anything about my change in personality last night. But I’m sure as soon as another drop of liquor touched my lips any thoughts of Harry had soon be drowned, until later when I was lying in bed replaying everything in my head.
My arms were heavy from aching and tiredness. I was tired from lack of sleep and general tiredness of life. Harry was the only bit of spontaneity in my life, which would explain why I was holding on to the tiny tether he held on my life. I wake up, I go to work, I go home ready to do it again the next day. This wasn’t how I pictured the last years of my teens.
I was starting to wonder what I would have been doing at university. Would I have an amazingly gorgeous boyfriend, with the perfect music taste and an adorable personality? Would I be top of the class with an internship laid out on the table for me? Would my roommate and me learnt to get along? Or would that still have me dragged back into the gang circle somehow?
It wasn’t that I regretted dropping out; it was always the what if part. What if I had stayed there, how different would me life be? I wouldn’t know unless I actually went back and I wasn’t sure that was what I actually wanted. I blamed it on S.A.D, seasonal affective disorder, which I hadn’t been diagnosed with but I wanted to blame it on something other than regret.
Monday was even more mind numbing than normal. Dom wasn’t home, he had been dragged to the pub by his work colleagues, much to his displeasure. Dom didn’t mind the pub, it was the people he worked with that he minded. And I couldn’t blame him, they were like vulchers on a dead carcass. They would flirt with anyone of the female gender that got within ten feet of them. It was painful to watch. I had met them once and that was enough.
Jason and Emma weren’t home, which I thanked the lord for. I was too grumpy to have to hear them bickering or worse. Of course they couldn’t actually leave the house without eating half my food first. I had no cereal, milk or bread. The pot noodle in the cupboard was there before we even moved in and the block of cheese in the fridge was beginning to grow its own city.
After rummaging around the cupboards and several sneezing attacks from the vast amount of dust, I finally came across a tin of soup that was still in date. I sat down in front of the tv, on the worn out sofa and watched The Great British Bake Off, and drooled over the amazing cakes they made. The fact I was eating lentil flavoured soup sunk my mood even more.
I didn’t know what else to do with myself. I wasn’t used to have the house alone, it was quiet, but I liked it. I found myself ascending the stairs to my bedroom. After powering up my laptop, the only piece of equipment that actually strayed away from the typical student income. I splashed out on a MacBook before heading to university; fair to say it didn’t see the light of day very often. Nowadays I used it mainly for listening to music.