Chapter 35 - Fearless Sweetheart.

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“One dead…” 

I stumbled to my feet, the back of my legs felt like they were on the fire. The car blew in seconds, throwing me in the air and across the tarmac road. The blow hit my legs with such power I was knocked off my feet. The denim from my jeans was evidently burnt to the back of my shins, it was almost too painful to stand. But I was alive by a fraction of a second, any later or a foot and a half closer to the car than I was, I would have been burnt to ashes. I didn’t turn around as I jumped from the car, he was still lying on the ground, it would have been looking at death. 

“Four survivors. Rick.” Zayn was communicating with who I could only assume was Paul via a phone device attached to his watch. Rick was the one who had died and was still continuing to burn twenty feet away. 

“We’re still being attacked.” I heard Zayn inform them, and he was right. We were completely surrounded by at least thirty men all pointing different types of guns and weapons in our direction. No one had fired a shot since the car blew, there was too much smoke around to see anything three feet in front of you. 

I stumbled towards Harry, almost dragging my left foot behind me, the pain shooting all the way up through my body. His arms were quickly underneath mine helping me stand up straight. Both of us were struggling to breathe, the smoke sweeping around us and expanding all the time. 

“I told you not to get yourself killed.” Harry grunted as he stretched out my limbs and scanned my face for injuries.

“I’m alive.”

“Only just.” 

Now wasn’t the time to have an argument. Zayn and the second unknown man, who I heard Zayn call Oli, approached us cautiously, all of us aware we were being watched. I blew the smoke away from my face trying to find some fresh air so I could have at least one breath of clean air. Police sirens could be heard in the distance and no doubt fire engines too but the police would take one look at who’s around and scarper into thin air. 

“They’re coming now.” Zayn informed us as we huddled in a small circle, all of us were breathing erratically and heavy, coughing up our lungs almost with every breath. We couldn’t escape the smoke, we’d be walking straight into their arms. 

“And what do we do until then? We can’t stay here.” Harry spat back impatiently before having another coughing fit. “We’re gonna die of smoke inhalation if we don’t move soon.” However, he was right, any longer in the smoke cloud and we would be smothered in the black fog. 

“Any other injuries?” Zayn gasped breathlessly, looking around at each one of us. The other two shook their heads, Zayn waited for my answer as I looked down towards my legs. Harry looked at me too, he hadn’t noticed the back of my scolded limbs earlier. 

“It’s just the back of my shins,” I explained hesitantly as I turned on the spot. Zayn crouched down to get a better view, I almost kicked him in the face when he touched it. 

“Bloody fucking hell,” he groaned standing back up, Harry was looking at him for an explanation. “Your jeans have melted into the skin, it’s verging on third degree burns.” 

“What the fuck are we supposed to do about that now? We can’t just let her carry on, she can barely walk.”

“Harry, I’m fine.” And truth was, I was feeling almost fine. The adrenaline and near death had created some sort of rush inside, the pain was almost invisible, my legs only feeling slightly numb but the skin felt hot, burning hot.

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