Chapter 33 - Exposé.

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If looks could kill… well you know what they say, I’d be dead by now, in fact he would have killed me, brought me back to life only to kill me again. 

I gulped as Louis, Paul and Zayn fled the room, only a look being shared between them, no words being passed around. The door closed quietly and Harry and I stood deadly still, the only sound was from the commotion outside which had erupted again. I stood my ground, crossed my arms across my chest and looked at him as if I wasn’t afraid. When in fact his livid glare made me want to crawl into a non-existent shell and pretend he didn’t exist. 

“Do you get some sort of adrenaline rush listening to things you’re not supposed to?” He taunted, his voice sounded even angrier than he looked. I refused to look away, look down or step back. 

“I don’t know. Do you get some sort of high by not telling me things and watching me live in the dark?” He looked anything but impressed at my response; the frown lines could not be dug any deeper on his forehead. He turned around to face the window, tossing his arms behind his head and leaning back lazily. 

I stalked across the room with fire in my step, I was anything but graceful right then. My teeth were literally grinding against each other after I had come to the realisation that I had, had enough. I couldn’t continue to be pushed into a corner and wrapped in bubble wrap. I took a heavy breath as I grabbed a hold of his shoulder and forcefully turned him around. I added pressure onto a sensitive part of his shoulder, which helped spin him around, I still lacked the muscles of a body builder. 

“I’m fed up of you not telling me anything, I want to know what is happening. Especially if my life is on the line.” I practically growled in his face. He raised an eyebrow as he shook my hand away from. I continued to glare at him, refusing to show any signs of backing down. His chest rose and fell as he breathed heavily, his eyes wandering around the room before he stared straight back in mine. 

His silence agitated me even more. “I am not some girl who you can walk over, hide things from or play with their head. I will stand up for myself, I will look death right in the eye if I have to. When are you going to understand that Harry?” I let my voice soften a little, letting him know how sincere I was trying to be. 

“Is it so wrong that I just wanted to protect you?” He chuffed, shaking his head at the same time. He rolled his eyes upwards towards the ceiling as if he was thinking deeply. “How can I protect you when you’re throwing yourself into danger?” 

“What are you protecting me from though? I’m surrounded by all of you, is that not enough?” I quipped back, a look of disbelief drawn on my face.

“No, we can protect you from The East, we can protect you from Sykes, James and Jasper but,” he sighed again before looking directly at me. “No one can protect you from yourself.”

“From myself?” I echoed, making sure I had heard him right because I was slightly confused at his confession. 

He turned around again and shook his head looking down at the floor. His hair covered his face enigmatically. I stood next to me and watched the trees blow in the wind outside the window. His fingers laced themselves with mine, the atmosphere in the room turning in a whole new direction. 

“I don’t want you to go into this thinking you can fight them on your own.” He self-confessed.

“I’ve never thought that Harry.” I turned to look up at his face, his eyes were squeezed shut almost looking painful.

“When you’re in a fight, the adrenaline pumps through your body you stop thinking logically.”

“Doesn’t mean I’ll turn stupid though. Do you not trust me?”

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