Gifted - Luna's Story

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A young girl walks briskly down the main street one afternoon, seemingly in a hurry. The fact is that she is slightly late for a meeting with her great aunt Clara, one of the richest women of the nobility in these parts of Merreil.

(Merreil is a kingdom governed by King Thom of Tenil and his Queen Hailey; who have ruled for 15 years. They share the continent with the land of Fanel to the east of their borders. To the south, across the emerald sea; there are the islands of Conzad, where the Muroka tribes reside. To the west there is nothing but the Tailun Sea. This town is called Careil, and it is the kingdoms capital.)

The reason for this meeting is yet unknown to her but she will soon find out that it will change her life forever...


"Why, oh why Aunt Clara, must you pick today to ask me to visit" mumbles the girl out loud. "I have so much to do, and so little time to get it all done in."

She sighs as she picks up the pace. She heads towards one of the largest houses in the entire town; which is quite intimidating, considering the fact that her own small house is no bigger then a cabin.

She knocks on the door and finds a young servant girl in front of her.

"Hello," she says, addressing the girl "I am here to visit my great aunt Clara, my name is Luna. I think you were expecting me?"

"Ye-ye-yes, m-my Lady" stammers the young servant girl "R-right this way."

The servant girl leads her down a hall and into a room decorated with hundreds of small vases of flowers. At the far end of the room, seated in the most imposing chair she had ever seen, was her great aunt Clara.

"Oh, my dear niece," cries the old woman upon seeing her, "Oh Luna dear, how have you been darling?"

"Oh wonderful," thought Luna sarcastically, "here she is looking like a queen, and me the maid." She sighs.

"I have been well, great aunt" she replies, putting on a polite smile.

"How are the lodgings?" inquires Clara.

"It is full of holes and it lets in the rain" thought Luna miserably; but she holds her tongue.

"They are... sturdy."

"And the food?" she asks in a somewhat critical tone.

"It is actually quite delicious" Luna's face brightens slightly.

They lapse into an uncomfortable silence. Luna tries to find a spot on the carpet to fix her gaze, regretting coming to the house already. She felt more comfortable with the stall vendors in the lower city then in her aunt's parlor.

"Well my dear I am sorry, but I do not have much time to spare" states her aunt, looking slightly uncomfortable.

Luna felt like snorting at that. "This woman has all the time in the world!"

"My dear come here and let me have a look at you" beckons the old woman.

Luna steps forward cautiously, not quite sure how to position herself.

Her aunt exams her from head to toe, her beady eyes narrowing critically.

Luna has light, straight, brown hair, as well as emerald green eyes. She has a delicate little nose which is adorned by a slight dusting of freckles. She has a full mouth, and pale skin. She is of medium height, with long legs for running.

"All and all not to bad, definitely not the beauty that is lady Bella, but not a hag either. Her manner is something I will have to correct though" Thought the aunt to herself "I do think I shall ask her..."

Luna was starting to get nervous. She slowly backs away not quite sure what to expect next. She clears her throat.

"Oh my dear I am sorry I was lost in thought" says her aunt, clearly not sorry at all.

"I would like you to come and live with me, Luna. Here in this house. I would take you to balls at the palace, you could meet the mages and knights studying their. You could finally have the place in society that you deserve."

Luna was too stunned to talk. She stood there for quite a long time with her mouth slightly agape and her expression blank. Underneath it all however her mind was in turmoil.

"Well living in town could have its advantages..." she thought to herself. "But someone would have to take care of the shop... Then again I could sell it..." she cringes at the thought. Her shop in the market, well strictly speaking it was a stall, had been her home for years. She wasn't keen on parting with it.

"Ma'am, please allow me to have some time to think it over?" She pleads her aunt.

Clara seems a little taken a back, but finally composes herself.

"Yes my dear, of course, take as much time as you need."

"Thank you" says Luna, relief plain on her face.

"Now if you'll excuse me my dear..." the old woman gets up from her chair.

"Oh! Yes of course great aunt" answers Luna a little surprised "I will come to call once I have made my decision." With that she leaves the room.

* * *

After several days and many sleepless nights, Luna returns to her great aunt's house.

This time, when the young servant girl opens the door, Luna puts on a warm smile. "Might as well try to make friends now" thought Luna, somewhat regretfully, "because after all, this is going to be home..."

(Slow start I know... but the next installment should be a little more exciting)

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