Chapter Four.

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I woke up withouth a hangover this time since I wasn't very drunk when I left last night. I looked over to Eli's bed from the bed they bought for me cause I'm over there all the time and saw her laying under the convers with Ryan. The sight of them made me smile and I felt a twig of jealousy. I've always wanted something like that. Sure I've been with numerous guys but none of them actually had feelings for me, they only wanted me for my body and since they heard I had 'daddy problems' they thought I would do anything. I smiled at them for a couple seconds but then it quickly faded. God knows what kind of kinky shit happened last night with me in the room. I scrunched up my nose as images popped into my mind making me gag then hopped up and trotted down the stairs after bushing my teeth and pulling my hair into a messy bun. I knew Eli's parents were out since they were always on buisness trips so I helped myself into the kitchen grabbing a water. "Holy mother fucking jesus!" I screamed covering my eyes as I saw Collin walking in the direction of the bathroom wearing his jeans low on his hips that showed off his defined v-line and abs. Damn I really wish I didn't cover my eyes. I would have loved to check out the sexy look of Collin Woods in the morning. What? It's not everyday I see Collin Woods walking around my best friends house hald naked. "What? You didn't want eye rape me princess?" His voice sounded like he just woke up giving it a sexy husky sound. I took my hands off my face finally to give him a glare. My eyes disobeyed me because they instantly went roaming over his chest. "Done staring sweet cheeks?" I blinked up to his eyes feeling my cheeks blush. This time my eyes did narrow at him, making sure they stayed on his eyes instead over his sex god like body. "Done being a cocky bastard sweetheart?" I was surprised at how calm my voice sounded. "Nice pajamas," He said taking a slow look down my body making me feel slightly insecure but then I remembered what I was wearing. Looking down at my big t-shirt with my long tan legs exposed. "O-oh I-I...well y-you see-" My rambling was cut off when he said,"I like it." Then he smirked and walked away but not without a wink to make me even more flustered. Once I heard the bathroom door close and the shower turn on I let out a frustered groan and decided to go get changed and head out for a run. 

I was breathing heavily when Eli's house finally came into view. Once I got to the edge of her long drive way I slowed my jog into a walk and made my way up to her door. I was planning on staying here for the rest of the weekend because I didn't want to put more stress on my brother. With everything going on I knew he had enough especially since he was working two jobs to help us get by. He was only 21 at the moment but he already had so much priorities going on and I felt terrible for what I have put him through these past years. Sighing I opened the door, "honey I'm home!" I sang and walked straight into the bathroom to shower. I was sweaty as hell and I felt gross. I turned on the water and waited a little bit for it to heat up. I turned around and took  my long blonde hair out of its pony tail. After my tweaty minute shower I stepped out and dried off. Then this was the moment I realized I forgot to get clothes. "This is so clichê," I shook my head at myself and wrapped the towel securely around my body. I cracked the door open and scanned out the surroundings. Nobody was in sight and nobody answered earlier when I got home so I took off towards Eli's room. I opened the door and closed it quickly. Once inside I rested my forehead against the door and turned around to see three people staring at me in disbelief. "I must say, I like this look a lot better than your pajamas," Collin had the nerve to say. I couldn't bring myself to meet his gaze since I was basically frozen in place holding tightly onto the towel. "I um I forgot to get clothes," Then I hurried to my dresser in Eli's room and left without another word. Once dressed I highly considered just going back to my house but then that would make Collin feel accomplished and we don't want that now do we? So I opened her door after taking a few deep breaths. "Hey everyone," I greeted looking down at my feet. "Nice to see you're dressed this time." Eli eventually said making my cheeks heat up as the embarrasment arose. "Speak for yourself," Collin mumbled causing Ryan to high five him and me throw a pillow at his face. "Hey!" he shouted throwing it back. I dodged it surprisingly enough,"What?" I asked acting dumb. "Oh you're going to get it!" Before I knew it I was laying on my back on my bed as Collin straddled me tickling me. "St-stop! Collin!" I laughed uncontrollably. "You're going to make me pee!" By now tears were streaming down my face. "Say you're sorry!" He was laughing along with me and as much as I hate to admit I loved his laugh. It somewhat made up for some of the cocky remarks. "Never!" I shouted back trying to sound angry but failed due to my laughs and giggles. "Say it!" I looked up seeing him smile. A real smile. I shook my head no longer able to speak, laughter taking over all abilities I had before. "Say it." He whispered in my ear making me stop squirming. His cool minty breath blew across my neck making goose bumps appear and me to shiver. I looked him in the eye. "No." I said simply swallowing hard. He stopped tickeling me now and just looked down at me (still stradling me might I add). I wasn't quite sure but I thought he was leaning in. I bit my lip about to just take control and grab his head to pull in the rest of the way down but someone cleared their throat making me break the heated eye contact and push him off of me. I now was fully awear of my best friends presence. Collin stood up and rubbed his neck. "I should probably get going. Thanks for letting me stay here last night Eli." I didn't make eye contact with him..I couldn't make eye contact with him. Not after that. Eli smiled at him, "anytime Collin." Ryan stood up brushing off his jeans as he did so. "Alright man lets go." Before he left he gave Eli a quick kiss on her forehead and me a wave. I turned and smiled at her. "Awww!" I cooed. She didn't return the excitement but instead looked at me suspiciously. Nobody said anything until she couldn't take it anymore. "Okay what the fuck was that?!" Ah yeah there's the question. I thought about it for a little bit..but honestly I had no idea. "I don't know Eli." I finally said. "Looks like you got the hots for Mr. Player," She teased making me shake my head. "No no no. You have it all wrong. I will never have feelings for that cocky asshole," I sneered. She shook her head not believing me at all. I smirked at her and went to go check my phone. Realizing I had one unread text message I read it but nearing dropped my phone when I did. 

'Hey remember me? Yeah I have some unfinished buisness with you baby cheeks. Watch your back.' 

                                               - You should know who. 

I blinked back the tears and turned around to Eli faking a smile. "So you and Ryan huh?" I asked sitting next to her on her bed. "It's not offical yet but I think it will be soon," her enthusiasm made me laugh. "Just be careful you know his reputation," I gave her a stern look to make sure she knew I was serious. I wouldn't be able to stand seeing her heartbroken. "Yes mom," She replied rolling her eyes. "Alrighty kiddo my brother wants me home," I lied smoothly patting her knee and standing up. "Awe so soon?" She pouted. "Come on it's not like you'll never see me again," She laughed and repostioned herself in a laying position,"Whatever now if you may leave I'm tired. I was a little sleep deprived." After he very suttle wink I turned on my heels. "You're disgusting," I said over my shoulder. "Love you too!" I heard her yell. Chuckling to myself I grabbed my phone stuffing it into my bad and got into my car. I slammed my fist into the steering wheel. Tears were coming down my face without permission. Why? Why me? How did he even get out? He's going to kill me. All these thoughts were streaming through my mind making me even more emotional. I had to tell my brother. I stepped on the gas a hauled ass to my house. 

A/N: SOOOOO?!?!?! Got pretty steamy with Collin and Avery huh? (; Now who's this mystery person? 




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