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Whispers were going around the school.

"Have you seen that new girl?"

"I heard her names Y/N.."

"Nobody knows anything about her, weird right?"

Everyone was talking about the new, special, Y/N. She was a petite girl, H/C hair, E/C eyes, and pale skin. She didn't get out much, but it's not like she's unhealthy, no. She's as healthy as can be. As healthy as she can be, at least. It's hard to be healthy when you're sick with--. Lets not get into that.

Y/N tried not to be depressed, knowing her timeframe, and was as happy as possible. That included her brother, who she cared the most for. Without her brother around, she felt the loneliness seep deep into her bones, her very being. It didn't happen often, seeing as they were as inseparable as ever, but it still happened, whether appreciated or not. It was one of the many things not in her control. She had to have control. Just like she had control of all the rumors going around about her.

"Y/N, how do you even spread so much about yourself? All the talk has been about lately has been how those guys beat Asura, I'm surprised there's much about you at all!" Leonardo had inquired, but Y/N hadn't responded. She wasn't in the mood. She'd rather get the day over with, and go home. If their house arrest was anything to go by, it was a miracle they were allowed outside of their manor. An unwelcome miracle. "Are you alright?" The question hadn't particularly caught her off guard, but its not like her guard was up either.

She cared about her brother, she really did, but it was hard to believe when she didn't show it of.

Y/N kept her mouth shut, preventing an unwanted spat from occur. She didn't have the energy, anyways.

"Aren't they ex-convicted of being Asura's old heads?" Someone had whispered, with no subtlety whatsoever. She hadn't spread that one, and rumor or not, it was true.

It's not like she'd wanted to be part of Asura's head of secret society people, it was her dear mother, and abusive step father, that had been part of the business. Thus when found out that she and her brother were the most powerful of Asura's weapons, they had instantly been blamed for the atrocious crimes, said atrocity not being there anymore. Ex-convicts or not, there father had still abused them, and their mother had at the time, had control over them. What choices had they had?

But the day was not over, merely just starting. Leonardo skipped his way to the remedial class, while Y/N dragged her feet the entire way there.

Her world was dull, this academy couldn't possibly make her world any better. Her arm burned, and she faltered in her steps, only to be stopped by Leonardo, asking if she was alright, in his usually cheerful tone. Y/N nodded in answer, looking at her arm. The soulmate phenomenon has not escaped even her, and she watched in amusement, her eyes glazing over, as the initials "DTK" elegantly scrolled itself onto her wrist, remarkable cursive penmanship.

Y/N did not believe in the phenomenon of soulmates, she should be allowed to carve out her own destiny, shouldn't she?

She shrugged the idea off, continuing her dread to the remedial class. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. Before they opened the door themselves the door burst open, two males, one with white hair, one with bright blue, hurrying out. After them, a nice looking girl with tan pigtails followed. She looked at the two in wonder, and realized, its the two new students!

"Hello! You two must be the new students! We're going on a field trip, join us and I'll explain?"

Leonardo happily agreed, while Y/N just mumbled confirmation.

Maka grinned, and the two sisters followed her.


"This is where Stein is, right?" The boy Y/N came to know as 'Soul' grumbled. "Let's hurry and settle this, and get this remedial class over with." Everyone around him nodded in agreement, as he went on. "Even the laboratory is patchwork?" Soul's eyes widened, as he heard mechanical skittering at his feet. A patched up mouse came to a stop in front of his foot, and he narrowed his eyes at it.

The Things I'd Do For You, ( Death The Kid Romance )Where stories live. Discover now