How Do You Approach The Sandwich?

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◊Third Person POV◊

"How do I approach this sandwich?" you thought, looking around the sandwich. You shrugged and just bite down on the sandwich. You get egg all over you, and you just have a blank stare. You set the sandwich down on the plate and walk up to your room, looking in the mirror. You got egg on your Shirt & your Jeans.

Brooklyn's POV

I looked in the mirror to see egg All over my jeans and my shirt. I grunted and put on my Black jeans, with my black T-shirt. The black kind of went with my Long, Curly, Brown hair. I smiled at my appearance and walked back downstairs, putting the sandwich in the microwave. "Not getting my favorite jeans dirty with yoke. Alexus walked in the door with a huge grin. "What's up Baconstrip?" I asked, looking at her weirdly, seeing as she usually walks through to door with poker faces. "Soul asked me out! EEKEKKEKEKEKEKEKEK!" She said. I put on a bright smile and hugged her. "SOOOO HAPPY!" I said, jumping up and down with her. She squeeled and I smiled at her. "Congratz Bruh," I said with bright eyes. She said "When's Kid gonna ask you out?" I shuddered, saying "I don't think he will," She smirked. "Yes, He will, why would he ask you out to the dance if he didn't like you? I mean, your pretty, and can put up with his OCD." She stated. I smiled, and retorted "You don't know that." She smiled and said "You'll get him," I smiled and peace signed. "Yolo." I said, walking to the couch.

?Alexus POV¿

Brooklyn walked to the couch with a peace sign saying "Yolo." I smiled and sat beside her. "What's today?" I asked. "Sunday." she said. I smirked. "How tall are you?" I said. Brooklyn looked at me with suspicion. 5 Feet, 7 inches, Why?" "HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAAAA I'M 5 FEET 7 AND A HALF INCHES." She narrowed her eyes and I smiled, knowing as to this annoys her. (Mwahahahahahahehehehahahahha ◊I like these signs◊ This chapter is still short XD, Don't judge, haterz back off,) She shot daggers at me as Soul burged through the door yelling "I'M HOME!" With Maka just tailing behind him. I smiled and he grinned his famous, toothy grin. Maka stood there awkwardly and.........

AND ◊Brooklyn's POV

Maka stood there awkwardly as i motioned for her to follow me to my room. She did as motioned and followed me to my room. "You should ask Crona to hang out," I exclaimed. She looked at me with curiosity, and asked "Why aren't you hanging out with Kid?" Ieaned on the bedpost and shrugged. "Haven't really seen him today, I've been a stuck up in the house." I smiled and she nodded. I called Crona, but Maka didn't know who I was calling. I smirked evily as Crona picked up the phone. "H-H-Hello?" Crona stuttered into the phone. "HiiiiiI!" I squeed into the phone. "Do you wanna hang out with maka!" I shouted into the phone, trying to keep it away from Maka so she wouldn't take it. "Y-Yes." He said, hanging up. I put my hand over my mouth. "He didn't say sure......" She looked a little saddened. "HE SAID YES!" She looked up at me with a typical, huge, grin of hers. "YOU GOTS TO GET READY!!" I screamed running downstairs. She tailed behind me, as I went up to Alexus and whispered in her ear "Crona is gonna hang out with Maka." (SQQQUUUEEEEEEEEE! SQUEEE SQUEE SQUEEEEE!)

I went to the shoe rack and handed her a pair of my black flats, saying "Try these on," I started looking around to see anything that'd suit her. I went to Alexus room to see if she had any skirts. None, No skirts. I went to my room to see a mid thigh, black skirt in my open drawer. BINGO! I threw the skirt down the stairs and walked down to see maka sitting on the couch, twiddling her thumbs. "What kind of shirt do you want?" I asked her. "I don't care, It doesn't matter to me." She said smiling. I shrugged then went upstairs.

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