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~Lé time skip brought to you buy kienna, eating your socks in your closet.... Go on.... Check..~

Death the kids POV:

I was staring at her, not even realizing it, as she was staring at me too. I finally noticed and looked away quickly, blushing. Wait, blushing?!

Brooklyn's POV:

Kid was staring at me and I was staring at him, until he finally came to his senses and turned away, blushing. Wait, blushing? Never mind, (lool) I frowned, knowing I could no longer stare into his goldfish yellow eyes that I love the look of, (lool, again,) as another slow song played. I walked around him and tapped him on the shoulder. "Dance with me?" I asked, with a hopeful look in my eyes, trying to not look desperate. "Yes." He said with a smile. I put both my hands around his neck as he out his hands on my hips. (Better not get a lil' frisky XD jk jk, or am I?! Yes, I am joking 😅) He lead and I followed, seeing as to how he was better at dancing then me, and about half way through the song I put my head on his chest. He put his chin on the tip of my head and when the song ended Maka took a picture of us, but of course, Alexus jumped on us and said "PHOTO BOMBB!" We all tumbled to the floor, of course, but I. Was. Pissed. I shot daggers at her but kid just giggled. (That one moment you hear a cute boy giggle and you melt into heaven XD) Liz and Patty were laughing along and everyone else was too, so I had a little grump face on, and put my arms over my chest. "I like your dress," Kid said, putting his arms around me. "Weren't you just over there?" "Pft. No," he had a smirk on his face, but I knew he was lying, don't ask me how, I just know, Shinigami's get this, feelings in their gut when someone lies. Little lies or big ones, the feelings always end up there. I put my arms over his arms and said "TANKS!" "SOOOO CUTE!" Alexus screamed. Again, I shot daggers at her, (for little people reading that books, that just means that they shot reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly mean looks at her XD #IdiomsBruh) and she smiled a big, toothy, grin back. I smirked, knowing that I could now use Soul against her. "Bathrooms?" "Yes." Alexus replied. We went to the bathrooms and on the way there, squealed. We walked in the bathroom but had to put on poker faces because there was a couple making out. Right when I got to door to exit the bathroom, I said "Don't get tooooo frisky now," "No kinkiness now." Alexus added on. We exited the bathroom with poker faces, but once we got back to the dance we burst out laughing. Tsubaki came over and asked why I was crying. "I'm crying because I just... J-just laughed so hard!" I happened to squeal out between laughs. Alexus fell to the ground and I fell with her. "Why are you laughing?" Tsubaki asked curiously. "Ok so there was this chouple making out in the bathrooms, and I said "Don't get too frisky now.., then Alexus said no kinkiness now." "We had poker faces until we came back!" Alexus added. Tsubaki giggled and the dance was almost over. I was happy because I got to dance with Kid. That's all I wanted to do, dance in the love of my life's arms. I just hoped that my first boyfriend and hopefully my only wouldn't break my heart. The dance ended as I walked home with Alexus, and everyone else walked home too. I pushed Alexus playfully when we were walking down the sidewalk, but when she shoved me back it wasn't playful. At all.... I was shoved onto the road and fell as she ran off. "SEE YEW LATER LOSER!" She said sarcastically. I smiled at her little comment and summoned my hover board, making my way home slowly. Once I got home I saw Alexus slouching on the couch upside down watching TV. I smirked at her and made my way upstairs to my room. I put on my pj's and as soon as my face hit the pillow, I was out.

The Things I'd Do For You, ( Death The Kid Romance )Where stories live. Discover now