Give it all you got!

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I was woken up by a constant beeping sound. As I let out a groan, a familiar voice echoed through the pod. "Awakening process complete." I squint my eyes as I adjust to the bright control screen and my chair slowly moves upright from it's previous bed-like position. "Genesis, where are we?" I look out into the endless vacuum of space. The colors of the nebulae in the distance, uninhabited planets and asteroids pass us by. "We are nearing the wormhole leading to the Hideauze nest. All systems preparing for battle."

I bite my lip as I began feeling nervous, but quickly straighten myself out. I am a soldier of the Galactic Alliance of Humankind, I cannot let fear show itself or it might cloud my mind from the mission; eliminating the Hideauze. They've been human's enemy since the beginning of recorded history... at least that's what we were told. Us soldiers were born to defend our kind. Those who were born weak, born with the incapable strength to defend, were killed off. I did not think it was right, we live to protect our race, yet once we show signs of weakness we are no longer needed.

A voice snapped me back into reality, and I look around, looking for the source of the voice. "Hey, daydreamer. Snap the hell out of it or you'll screw everything up." Ah yes, Ledo, the annoying pain in my ass that I call my friend. "I wasn't daydreaming, jerk." I snap at him, not wanting to insult him too much. "Oh yeah? Then why did it take several times for you to hear me?" My face turned red from embarrassment and I sigh heavily. "Look just shut up and prepare to fight, we're about to enter the wormhole."

I heard a grunt come from the intercom as Ledo ended the transmission. This was it.. We have to hit them with everything we have, no holding back, but we have a little guardian angel on our side; a super weapon we've created. As our main ship started to shake and creak my heart began to beat faster. I tried taking deep breaths but as soon as we came out of that wormhole I finally understood what hell looks like and what true fear feels like. "Nova, you are experiencing a severe change in chemical levels residing in your brain, please stable them before going into battle or you will further the damage caused." "Thank you Genesis (My mech and Ai system) but I am well enough to battle. Turn electromagnetic shields on and charge the weaponry." "Shields on. Charging weapons."

I take a deep breath as a neon green light surrounds my mech. The commander's voice blares into everyone's mech, "All units release in 3...2...1... now!" A flood of armored robots rain from the main ship as well as the secondary ships. "Give em all you got!" Commander Kugel's voice was filled with determination and hope, which flowed into myself and the other soldiers. Seas of blue and maroon colored laser-beams flew past me as my comrades and I attacked the Hideauzes. Thank you to the shield that our mechas have because dodging the Hideauze's attacks were tricky.

More agile troops closed in on the Hideauze's flower shield, weakening it so our secret weapon could deal more damage to it

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More agile troops closed in on the Hideauze's flower shield, weakening it so our secret weapon could deal more damage to it. As our weapon fired it damaged it, but not enough. Our attacks weren't taking them out as quickly as we planned, so in a regretful tone Commander Kugel ordered all troops to retreat back to the main ships before the wormhole closes, leaving us all behind. Our plan to have them eradicated before the wormhole began closing failed miserably.

"All units retreat now! We don't have much time before we're trapped here." As I was turning to flee, I spotted a pod of troops getting attacked by multiple Hideauzes. These were my comrades, I couldn't just leave them behind, but as soon as I started flying towards them, the metal hand of Chamber (Ledo's mech and Ai system) latched onto Genesis's arm. "Ledo what the hell are you doing let go of me! They need help!" He just ignored me and began pulling me back to the main ship. No matter how hard I tried pulling away, I just couldn't. "Ledo y-you idiot..." "Commander Kugel told us to retreat and we go by his orders. I wanted to save them too but the risk was too great, Nova. We would've just been attacked too." He said in a harsh tone, which annoyed me.

I stayed silent as Chamber let go of my mech's arm, and I flew a bit behind him, but commander Kugel's shouts could be heard behind us, and we tried rushing to his aid. "NO. GO. I'll make sure none of them get through the worm hole." Ledo yelled at him, telling him how reckless this decision is, for a commander no less. "It's been a pleasure having you two on my team.."

I pulled Chamber's arm, rushing us to the ship despite Ledo fighting against me but just like Kugel, a Hideauze attacked us from the side. Its tentacles wrapped around our mechs as its teeth nipped and latched onto them. We eventually broke free but I knew it was too late. The hatches to our containment sectors on the ship closed and the ships started going through the worm hole. I grabbed Chamber's arm once again and put all my power into trying to catch up to the ship.

I successfully latched onto a ledge sticking from the ship, but the speed caused me to lose my grip. As Chamber and Ledo tried saving me, their grip was lost too. We began to spin out of control, Ledo making sure our mechs were holding onto each other so neither of us would lose the other. The pressure from the worm hole and the spinning caused my vision to start fading to black, and the last thing I heard was Ledo scream, "I won't let you go."

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