What is this place?

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Ledo's POV: 

"Measuring brainwaves. Basic rhythms normal." I wake up to the voice of Chamber echoing around me, my eyes still closed. "Ensign Ledo awakening confirmed. Revival successful." I finally open my eyes and my seat moves forward, setting me into a sitting position. "In accordance to emergency protocols, I preserved your biological functions via cryostasis. 266,815 minutes have passed." I grip my head and wince, listening to Chamber. "My system functionality was in stasis as well, but I rebooted 12 minutes ago due to external stimuli."

My eyes widen, unable to believe what I just heard. "We've been asleep for 6 months?!" "The current situation requires the judgement of the pilot, thus I initiated your awakening process." Ignoring my question, Chamber allows the suit to see the outside world, like one-way glass. I see a blond-haired man holding a crowbar, clearly frustrated. Looking around, I notice more people who look exactly like I do, except they're not wearing suits like mine.

"Who are they? What are they speaking?" My confusion clouds my mind as I still attempt to fully wake up. "It's an unknown language. It's similar to several ancient languages." Ancient languages? How is that even possible. "I am analyzing but lack sufficient data." "Then what is our location?" I ask, getting a little annoyed. "It's impossible to pinpoint our coordinates. We lack a reference point."

"What?" This is a bit much to take in all at once. I suddenly jerk up, nerves on edge, "Where is Nova? Can you locate her? She fell through the wormhole with me she has to be near here." "I will begin a scan of the area but I require a blueprint of this facility. You will have to explore this area as much as possible so I obtain some data." I bite my lip and look around, "Alright...I'll wait until everyone leaves."


Hours have gone by and yet, the blond man is still here, continuing his attempts to open Chamber. He finally jumps off and begins walking away. 'This is my chance' I think as the lights shut off. I open the hatch to Chamber and climb out, my suit detatching from the pilot seat. I grab Chamber's portable chip and jump down, placing it in the center of my chest so i can continue to communicate with him. "So the gravity is exactly 1G, huh?" I ask him, "What about the air?" I bend down, picking up a Hideauze tooth. "Primary components are nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide. The ratio is ideal for life."

I continue to look around, observing the scraps of metal and broken machinery. I press a button on the side of my helmet making it fold behind me. "If it's breathable then I'll breathe it. I'd like to save my oxygen as much as I can." All thoughts were interrupted as I quickly cover my nose, gagging. It smelled horrendous in this place..whatever this place may be.

I quickly take cover as I hear the door opening, hearing two voices: the man who was here earlier and a young girl's, probably around my age. I peek and see the girl kneeling on Chamber, the man holding a giant tool, cautious as if he noticed that I left my Mech. I look at the girl and quietly run behind them. "I hope this works" I think to myself.

I jump up onto Chamber and grab the girl, jumping down. I grab my gun from the holster and point it at the man, my arm around the girl's shoulders. "Where is the other suit?" I yell at him. He looks at me as if I'm speaking another language. He runs at me and I point my gun at his feet, a bright blue laser firing but misses. I quickly throw the girl over my shoulder and take off through the door. "I cannot find any knowledge in your actions, Ensign" "If I have a hostage they wont attack me on sight." I hear a loud alarm go off causing me to run faster. "Can you find her yet?!" "I need more data first. You need to cover as much ground as possible so I can obtain the data needed to find our location as well as Nova." I nod and continue running.

I finally make it outside the facility, stopping at the edge of a platform. I freeze as I see an endless ocean in front of me, my eyes widen in awe. I momentarily forget about my hostage until a flying creature jumps into my face, grabbing on. I toss the girl down and struggle to get the vermin off and when it does I lunge forward to pick her up again, only to freeze in my tracks. I come face to face with over 20 men holding up guns. I didn't have a choice but to call on my suit. "Chamber!" I yell. He bursts through an area on the ship and flies high above us, hovering behind me, causing the water to splash around us.

"What's going on here, Chamber?" "It appears we are on a planet where respiration is possible." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "That's impossible." "Matching data with observed celestial bodies." Almost instantly Chamber begins speaking again, "Confirmed: there is only one set of matching data. The third planet of the Sol System, Earth. Records suggested of it's existence, but until now, there had been no proof of it. This is the planet of humanity's origin." I stood there, mouth agape and eyes wide, unable to speak. Everyone stared at Chamber and I, guns still raised.

"Chamber we need to find Nova, can...can you locate her?" The girl I carried stared at me like she didn't understand me, along with the rest of the people. "Language decoding complete." Chamber's voice echoed in my helmet. I gave it a go, "Where is the other suit?" They all looked confused still until a redhead spoke up, "You mean a Yunboro?" It was now my turn to look confused. I tilted my head, "Yunboro?" "Yeah, that shit you got there," she motioned go Chamber, "we call those Yunboros." "You..have one too?" She pointed over to about 10 machines that looked as ancient as this planet. I shook it off and repeated my question, "Where is the other suit...er, Yunboro?"

A girl with purple hair and glasses spoke up, a very authoritative tone emitting from her mouth, "How do you know we found another Yonboro like yours?" A smile erupted on my face briefly, "It fell onto this planet along with me and my suit. There's a person in it just like me. I need to make sure that she is okay." Everyone let out quite gasps, "There's another human in the suit?!" The hostage girl yelled out. The blond man from earlier was the first to make a move, running back onto the boat, everyone quick to follow. Chamber stayed behind for obvious reasons and I followed the group, pushing my to the front right behind the man and the hostage girl.

We entered a room and the man flipped a switch, lighting the place up. I let out a small gasp and ran past everyone, ignoring their cautious looks. I leap onto Genesis's breast plate and kneel down. In front of me was Genesis, and I knew inside was my best friend Nova.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2021 ⏰

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