Chapter 5 (Part 1)

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The sunlight burned Sophie's eyes as she opened them suddenly. Her lips felt dry and her stomach hollow. She saw that she was at the end of a huge field that was surrounded by trees. She looked to the left to see sunlight peeking through the trees. By the height of the sun, she thought it was around dawn. That means she was in her mind for at least two hours.

It's been that long, huh?, she thought as she kept looking towards the sun.

She heard ragged breathing and looked to her right. She gasped and would have covered her mouth if her hands weren't bound behind her back. It was Biana, laying against the tree next to Sophie's. A pool of blood was around her and she looked more pale than she does when she first sustained the wound. "Biana!" She scream whispered.

"Trying to make an escape plan, Moonlark? I knew we should have taped your mouth too." A voice said. Sophie looked up the tree to see three black cloaked figures sitting on the branches above her. She recognized one of them as her kidnapper. "You're lucky that the Shade darkened everything as we can't light leap anywhere. You would be the youngest elf to ever die." The figure keep saying as he seemed to twirl a meddler in one hand.

"Why can't we just kill her now? It wouldn't take that long and the Shade might be weak enough to let use leap by then." The figure on the highest branch said with a giddy voice. "Because you know Fintan's orders, take the Moonlark but don't harm her. Kill her friends but leave the goblin so he can tell his masters what happens when you mess with us." The figure with the meddler said in a annoyed tone.

Sophie stared in shock as the Neverseen talked about killing people and suffering as if they were talking about a normal topic like football or food. "You won't get away with this." She spat at the figures. "Who's going to stop us? You?" The figures laughed and the one with the meddler jumped down from his branch and held it to her head. "I would like to see you try." He whispered in her ear.

"With pleasure, Alvar." Sophie smiled as Alvar froze. "What's going on?" He said as his hood was taken off, revealing his regal features and very close resemblance to Fitz. He started to float in mid air when a rustle came from the middle of the field. "It's something called control, brother." Fitz said as he stepped from the middle of the field with Dex, Linh and Tam behind him. The two other figures jumped down from their branches and stood protectively around Alvar. Sophie smiled wider. She knew that Fitz had been tracking her location with her thoughts. That's why he didn't go back for her when the darkness swallowed her in her mind.

"Drop him." A very familiar voice said. Instantaneously, Alvar left to the ground. Hard. Sophie looked over and saw that Fintan had stepped out onto the field, his black cloak smoking, his hands bandaged. Two basketball sized balls of Everblaze circling around him. He walked towards the other figures and helped Alvar to his feet. Then he turned toward Sophie with an crazed look in his eyes.

"I see your mission turned out half excellent." Fintan cupped Sophie's chin in his bandaged hand and seemed to inspect her. "No harm done. Very good." Fintan released Sophie's chin and turned back to his figures. "You're crazy." Sophie spat at him. "Crazy people are the best people, Moonlark." The figure on the left said. "Hush, Lodestar. Focus on your targets." Fintan said.

No, no, no, no no....., Fitz transmitted.

What is it..., Sophie transmitted back.

"If you're not going to tell us what you're secretly transmitting to Fitz, don't transmit at all, Foster." The figure on the left said as he reached to pull off his hood. Sophie stared at him.

It can't be...., She, Fitz and Tam transmitted to each other.

His blonde hair was messier than ever, his playful smile and unforgettable laughter etched into his face. His ice blue eyes seemed to glow in the sunlight. Sophie let out a scream and even Biana had a look of horror on her face. Sophie could feel as if the temperature in the whole field had dropped to freezing as her friends stared in disbelief, horror and resentment.

It couldn't be....

It shouldn't be.....

It would be......

His smile seemed to grow more sinster and wider. "Miss me?"

Keefe Sencen.

-screams because I think I made him too evil-

I'll try to make part 2 by Monday. 😵

Lemme just sit in this corner....

-rocks back and forth holding my Harry Potter plushie-

Tell me what you think of this story. 😃

- Cresent

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