Chapter 3

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Heather Fox~

I wake up early in the morning even though it's Sunday. As I'm eating the pancakes my mom made, I take my phone out. I see that Freya has left me a message saying, "I have the proof that you wanted. Come over to my place so I can show you."
I don't feel like eating, so I head out right away and shout "I'm going out to Freya's so I'm taking the car!" For my mom to hear because she gets angry when I don't inform her about leaving or taking the car. I take the car keys and arrive at Freya's house in no time. Freya comes out before I even ring the bell.
"Oh good, you're here. I saw you from the window. Let's get in the car. We are going to my nan's house" Freya says excitingly, which makes me want to strangle her. How can she be excited about any of this? I'm not even bothered to ask her why we are going to her nan's house so I just roll my eyes and get into the driver's seat as i say, "buckle up."
We finally reach Freya's nan's house. It is a small, old house made out of wood. I only came here once before, when Freya's grandad died after he comitted suicide. Her nan didn't talk much and was alone in the corner by herself. A lot has changed since then. Those times were so much better.
I pull out of my thoughts when I see Freya get out of her car. I do the same. She goes and rings her door bell several times, but no one answers. There's no point in coming here, I think as I sigh, why am I even here? Freya's nan finally comes out of the door. Freya hugs her and says "Nan!" Just as she comes out. She really knows how to annoy me. I'll give her that.
"You must be Heather." Freya's nan says "Freya told me what happened to you. Now come on in. We have a lot to talk about."
I smile at her, trying to be polite, even though I'm trying really hard not to rip her apart. Wait, what am I even saying?
I sit on a couch, as Freya's nan starts talking.
"This must me really hard for you to believe but vampires are real. And you are one of them." She says. So I've heard, I think to myself.
"My husband was one of them. He was a vampire. But you see,he was another kind of a vampire. Robert was not turned by other vampires. He used to live on another planet, named Atrias, more than 80 years ago. There were a lot of other humans there too. But the planet was dying. It was getting old. The people on the planet wanted to save the planet, but it was beyond saving. The only choice left was to come to earth. But when they reached earth, they began to change. Most of them didn't survive, but the ones who did became faster and stronger. Besides that, they had to feed on blood to survive. They changed into vampires when they reached earth and were knows as 'the first ones' because they were the first vampires in history. Robert was one of the first ones." Freya's nan says as a tear falls down her cheek. She wipes the tear with a hanker chief, and then continues, "The first ones are different. Not only are they stronger and faster than other vampires, they are the only ones who can turn into human again. All they have to do is drink human blood and turn an innocent human into a vampire. After the first ones turn human, they can change into vampires again if they want. But once a first one is turned into a human and then into a vampire, they can not turn human again. Robert always dreamed of being a human. But to turn human, he had to give the curse to someone else. And he couldn't do that. He wouldn't. He would rather stay a vampire than give his curse to someone else."
"One day, however, he was so tired of being a vampire, of wearing sunglasses all the time. Of everything. At the same time, he saw a 16 year old boy. He couldn't take it anymore so he turned the boy into a vampire and turned human himself. He didn't know what he was doing at that time. When he realized, he felt so guilty. He tried to do everything to reverse his mistakes, but there was no way. So then he decided to kill himself, hoping that the teenager would turn human again if when he died. But the boy remained a vampire"
"Now, you might think I'm crazy. But you have to believe that everything I said is true" She says, sincerely. But I still don't believe her. She's right about one thing. I do think she's crazy.
"You are not fully a vampire. You are still in transition. But within a week, you will turn into a vampire. Until then, you have to be prepared." Freya says.
"I'm sorry, I really tried to listen to you. But I can't do this anymore. This is completely crazy!" I say, almost shouting.
"What if I could show you something, to help you believe. Seeing is believing, right?" Freya says.
Seeing as how she won't stop trying to make me believe in this stupid crap, I say "Fine. But if I still don't believe you, I will rip your throat out." I realize how crazy I sound after I say that.
"Great. Follow me" Freya says

An hour later:

Me and Freya have waiting at the bar to meet her grandfather's friend and he's taking forever to show up.
"About time." Freya says as she sighs.
As I look at the door, I see a tall, muscular guy enter. He sits at the seat besides Freya, then points at me and says, "Is this the girl I came because of?"
Freya nods and says, "Yes, this is Heather."
"Now, listen here. I'm only doing this for Robert. If a word about this gets out, I will rip both your throats out, and don't expect me to spare you for Robert. Now lets go somewhere where I can show you. Just follow me." The guy says. We both nod and follow him out of the bar.
The guy leads us to a dark alley and then takes his bracelet out and throws it away.
He then takes a needle and takes Freya's arm out.
"Can I?" He asks Freya.
"Are you serious?" Freya scoffs.
"Do I look like in kidding?" He says back.
"Go ahead." Freya says as she looks away from her arm. Freya then squeezes her eyes shut as the needle goes into her skin. The guy keeps on starimg at the blood that comes out, as if he's trying really hard to look away but he can't. I look at his eyes and notice that they have changed color. They used to be dark brown but now they're glowing red. He opens his mouth and his canines grow into fangs. He brings Freya's arm closer to his mouth but before he cam do anything, Freya yells "Stop! Thats enough."
He then runs away in a blink of an eye. I can't find the words to say anything. I am so shocked. I tried. I really tried to deny it all, but it's real. Vampires are real. And I am one of them.
" can't be happening, right?" I ask Freya.
"Look, I'm so sorry. I really am" Freya says,"Let's get you home. I'll drive. But first I have to give you this. It's a bracelet to stop the cravings. Nan gave me this, its my grandpa's."
I get into the passenger seat and wear the bracelet. This is it now. I'm a creature that I didn't even know existed until now. My whole life has been turned upside down. Now all I can do is pretend to be a normal girl with a normal life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2016 ⏰

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