Chapter Fifteen

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The pair jogged down the road and peeled off back into the trees from which Max emerged. The low, constant sound of panting filled the air as they both paused to catch their breath. The adrenaline surged through Max's body, reminding him of the days in the not so distant past when he and Joey would take on packs of clickers between them. He missed that. He missed Joey.

"Okay, we should be safe once we pass through this clearing up ahead," Max pointed out, leading the way. "Then we should be able to go our separate ways again," he called back over his shoulder.

"Wait...what do you mean?" the girl asked, confusion painted across her young face.

"Well you didn't think we were going to stay together, did you?" Max asked. "No offence kid, you're better off without me," he continued, brushing a nearby branch out of his face.

The young girl offered no reply.

It was true though, ever since this whole thing broke out, anyone Max had gotten close to had died. He couldn't watch that happen again; he couldn't let it happen. To be honest, even before the disease, Max had always dragged down those around him. It was better off for the kid that she stayed as far away from him as possible.

"Okay, this should do, I doubt they'll still be following us now," Max thought aloud.

He placed his bag on the ground, unzipped it and fished around the contents for a moment. His hand emerged, clutching a bottle of water and a few basic rations he still had to spare.

"Here," he said, extending his hand out and offering them to his child companion.

She snatched them from his grasp before stuffing them into her own bag and folding her arms.

"Well, thanks for the help...I guess I'll see you around," she mumbled, not making eye contact for a second.

The young girl turned on the spot and began to walk away from Max. He stood for a second, deep in thought, before following suit and setting off in the opposite direction. He couldn't help but feel guilty, sending a young child off into such a torn up world alone, but what could he do when only moments ago he was ready to potentially blow his own brains out?

He wasn't in any fit state to look after himself, yet alone another. He had lost his purpose in life to tell the truth, and would probably continue to gamble with his own life until the day that bullet found the right spot in the chamber. Max continued to walk and continued to think. He stopped abruptly, almost tripping over a small family of rabbits bounding along in front of him. The young brigade of baby rabbits bounced quickly after their mother, desperate to keep up; the mother slowing down every now and then to ensure they didn't fall behind.

Max sighed and looked over his shoulder, the young girl now a small figure in the distance. Maybe this was the purpose in life he was looking for, for now at least. He couldn't leave knowing that he had jeopardised the life of someone so young, purely because he had made such a mess of his own life.

He turned and ran back towards the girl, not calling out until he was within around ten metres.

"Hey, kid!" he called.

She turned sharply, smiling initially but then instantly correcting it to a cold stare. She was clearly careful to build this wall between herself and other people, careful not to leave herself open. This suited Max just fine. He would make sure she was safe, but anything further than that he just couldn't do. He didn't have it in him to care about someone again.

"Can I help you?" she replied with forced attitude.

"Come on," Max said, gesturing with his hand for her to follow.

"And what makes you thin-" She started.

"Follow or don't kid, I really don't give a shit," Max laughed, knowing that she would eventually trudge after him.

"Well I hope you know-" she accrued on.

"Kid!" Max shouted, cutting her off.

"What?" she replied with slight fear, assuming Max had seen something ahead.

"Shut up," he whispered.

The two both shared a scowl before breaking into laughter as she caught up and walked alongside him.

"Lizzie," she said proudly, sticking out her hand towards his.

"No need for pleasantries kid, this won't be for long. Just until we can find some other survivors to take care of you, then I'm on my way," Max explained harshly.

Her hand was still extended.

"Max," he sighed, shaking her hand for a split second before throwing it away.

"Well Max, where to now then?" Lizzie asked.

Max pushed air out of his cheeks, looking from left to right and back left again.

"Errr, that way!" he exclaimed, pointing in a random direction in front of them.

Lizzie smiled.

"Sounds good to me."

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