Tired Out

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(To the left is Ignacio, the second left is Nixon, to the second right is Darveron, all the way to the right is Zayne.)

~Nixon's POV~

Hi. I'm Nixon Montgomery. I'm a 18 high school student. And to say I have a lot of energy... Is an understatement. I'm currently running around the warehouse outside. And my pals are just watching me.

"HAVE AT THEE!!" I shouted, using a stick as a sword. As I pretended to hit someone's knees.
"Someone has too much energy and an overactive imagination." Ignacio said.
"You're just jealous cause yours fizzled out years ago." I teased.
"Shut it, Montgomery." Ignacio growled.
Ignacio has a short temper.

Darveron is calm and collected.

And Zayne is just obnoxious and cocky.

I dropped the stick and pretended to fall to the ground, holding my knees.
"God damn that fucking hurt!" I shouted.
Darveron just looked at me amused. He's my boyfriend. Ignacio and Zayne just looked at me annoyed. We've been outside for about 4 hours and I've been running for those 4 hours non-stop.
"Babe, come over here. You haven't had any water since we first came outside." Darveron said.
I sprinted over to him and drank some water than ran back to where I was. With my stick.
"That's not what I meant." Darveron said.
"Love you!" I shouted.
I climbed a tree. All the way to the top branch.
"Young man, get back down here!" Darveron shouted.

See, we're the gang called The Four Dragons. We used to be The Five Dragons but our friend chose out. That sucked. Darveron is out gang leader and tactics specialist. I'm the computer specialist. Zayne is the weapons specialist. And Ignacio is the bait specialist. Damien Finch used to be our hideout specialist. He's moved on to being a secretary. Why? I have no idea. Darveron's last name is Demon. Ignacio's last name is Conner. And Zayne's last name is Jacobs. And as you know, mine is Montgomery. In case you were wondering, Darveron has been dating me for close to 6 years. Our six year anniversary is June 22nd. I was panting. I've gotten a workout and a half today. I lifted weights for about 3 hours earlier today. And now I've been running and pacing around for 4 hours. But now it was almost dusk.
"Come on. Let's get inside." Ignacio said.
He yawned. See, he likes things to be quick. Well... Not everything. If you know what I'm saying.
"Why? You got a hot date?" I asked.
"No." Ignacio grumbled.
I dramatically gasped.
"Who is she?" I asked.
"Selena." Ignacio said.
See, Ignacio is what most would call a 'player.' He dates a girl for about a week, then breaks her heart. He kinda just... Leaves. With no indication. No warning. He just leaves them. We've tried telling him to either stop with his ways or, not settle down so to speak, but to chillax on the player thing. You know? Find a nice girl, stay on a nice long-term relationship. The whole nine yards. But no. Since none of us have heard about him being with Selena, she's probably his new girlfriend. We've met her in school a few times. She's really nice. She's a bubbly person. Hell, if I was straight, if date her. And wouldn't leave her in a week. I can't stand it when Ignacio does that. Just seeing the girls cry, it just gives you that sinking feeling. It kinda makes you go 'what if that was me? What if Darveron did that to me?' You know? It's sad to see. I yawned.
"I'm tired too." I mumbled.
"You've been up and at it since 6:30 this morning. You will be." Darveron said.
Darveron picked me up after seeing how slow and sluggish I was. I was starting to fall asleep standing up.

~Darveron's POV~

"He's a little too big to be carried now." Ignacio said.
"He's basically asleep as is." I said.
"Well yeah but still..." Ignacio began.
"Silence! Do not question me again." I said in a calm but menacing tone.
Ignacio immediately looked away and shut up. I care a lot for Nixon's well being. He's gets tuckered it easily. It's kinda like, he's all energetic and then he just crashes. Usually around 8:30 or 9:00. In which its 8:45 now. And he's about to crash. Now when I say 'crash' I mean just pretty much fall asleep. No matter where he is. It's quite funny but also conceding at times. Considering, if he crashes quick enough, he'll fall asleep either, standing up or in the most uncomfortable positions ever. Of all time. It's like 'How?' So usually I take him up to our bedroom so he doesn't hurt himself. Or wake up sore because of how he slept. Now when I'm not home, Zayne and Ignacio don't do that. Like one time, Nixon fell asleep with his head sideways on the couch and tilted upwards a little. He literally looked like a pretzel. His arms were crossed over his waist. His legs criss-crossed. And his mouth open a little. Snoring softly. And I was like 'Why didn't you bring him up to our bedroom? If he's sore in the morning, I will take care of you both.' I then brought Nixon up to our room and laid him out so he slept normally. And he was sore as all hell the next morning. And needless to say Ignacio and Zayne were in quite a bit of trouble... Was an understatement. Yeah anyways...

Since it wasn't time for me to sleep, I laid Nixon on the sofa bed. He was out like a light.
"He tuckered himself out." I said.
"He crashed." Zayne said.
Ignacio grunted in response. Sometimes I really can't stand him. He drives me up a wall. But we've all lived together for 12 years. So we're sorta kinda maybe used to each other. But no. Sometimes I just really, really, want to kick him out of this 'gang' as some would call it. Even though we don't. We just call it a tight bond of friendship. Gang is too harsh of a word. Adults just categorize us as that. Immediately assuming the worst. We don't graffiti. We don't cause trouble. We don't go looking for trouble. We just keep to ourselves and if something starts with us, then we'll settle it. But usually no one messes with us. Either out of respect or out of utter fear, we'll never know. And Ignacio is really, really, started to piss me off. But Ignacio had better watch it...

He may not be in this gang much longer...

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