#2: Scary movie night

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Riker: “WHAT ARE YOU DOING MAN?? GET BACK INTO THE HOUSE!” You cried, gesturing frantically at the TV. Riker had suggested having a movie night tonight and unfortunately it had been his turn to pick the movie. He’d chosenSinister. You weren’t a huge fan of scary movies, but you had actually gotten into this one. “HOLY CRAP THEY’RE BEHIND YOU! TURN AROUND! TURN AROUND!” you squealed. You pulled one of the couch pillows into your lap, hiding your face. “I can’t watch!” you mumbled into the cushion. You felt Riker wrap his arm around your shoulders and pull you closer. “Awwh babe don’t worry, I’ll protec- OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT?!” he screamed.

Rocky: “Why?! Why would you decide to go down the long creepy hallway??” You spoke to the blonde airhead on the TV screen as if she could actually hear you. “She’s a blonde babe, they always die first.” Rocky pointed out. You reached over and popped a few pieces of popcorn into your mouth. “Something’s about to happen.” He said quietly, leaning in closer to you. You shook your head. “It’s too early in the movie, nothing’s going to happen yet.” Just then a dark figure popped out of nowhere. “OH MY GOD!” you screamed, slinging popcorn all over the couch. Rocky looked down at you with an amused expression on his face. “Nothing’s going to happen, huh?” he asked. You shoved him playfully before snuggling into his chest.

Ross: “Is it over??” Ross asked feebly from underneath his pink Snuggie. You rolled your eyes. Such a macho, manly boyfriend you had. “Yeah Ross, it’s over.” You lied, stealthily pulling out your phone. You hit record just as Ross pulled the blanket down. “YOU LIED!” he cried, snatching the blanket back up to cover his face. You laughed, quickly clicking over to Instagram. You snapped a picture of Ross with the blanket over his head. ‘Scary movie night with @rossR5. #suchaweenie #thanksbabe’ “I know you’re taking pictures of me!” he called, his voice muffled.

Ratliff: “HER HEAD JUST TURNED AROUND! HER HEAD JUST-OH MY GOD!” you shrieked, climbing into Ellington’s lap. He had talked you into watching The Exorcist, one of the classics. “Seems like that whole demon thing is a real pain. Hah…get it? Pain? Her head turned around?” He began cracking up at his own joke. You looked up at him with a dull expression. “No? Ok…” he said, turning back to the movie.

Ryland: “I’m never letting you pick the movie ever EVER again!” you cried, your face buried in Ryland’s chest. He had talked you into seeing Insidious 2 at the theater tonight. “Oh come on (y/n), it isn’t that ba-AHH!” he squealed. You sat up quickly. “Did you just make that noise??” you demanded. He shook his head. “Pshh..no!” he said, lowering his voice a few octaves. You rolled your eyes. “Nice try babe.” You whispered, stretching up to peck his cheek. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell.”

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