Sick of It

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Sometimes I think that if I let myself go

That I will let everyone down.

I think if I give up on the little I have to

Fight for,

Then there will be no one to fight for


It's hard to hold feelings you have

When you have to follow rules

When you have guidelines for love

And you can't talk to them in public

It's like we're back to grade school.

We can't have a relationship where

You come to my house

And we eat snacks

And watch movies

And play games

We have to have a relationship

Where I hug you once


Each day.

Our relationship is where we talk

Only a little

Where we have one time a day to just

Let loose.

And I'm sick of it.

It's hard to love when you can't talk

It's like falling for a stranger

A nobody

It's falling for someone

Where you can't go anywhere

Where you can't be


I'm sick of hiding.

I'm sick of pretending.

Because I want a relationship,

That's all I ask.

But I can't have that

Not with you

Because you have to hide.

You have to pretend

You have to follow the rules

And I'm sick of it

Because I love you

And I don't want to lose you

But it's like I can't even talk to you

And I'm sick of it

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