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Back in the city news spread about two of the fire victims who had gone missing.

"At the moment it is unclear whether they were killed by the fire or otherwise. But if really they are dead then where are their bodies? Who might have taken them and why ?" Came the voice of a news broadcaster from the TV.

"Who could have done such a thing?" Asked Olivia Walker, Glory's mother.

"We don't know Miss Walker but we are doing are very best to find out" Replied the officer. "But then again, they could have been kidnapped. There's a high chance at that"

"Why would you think that?" Asked Mr. Robinson, Glory's father as he walked into the room.

"Well looking at who they are in society and their families, they are quite known so any hater that wants to get crazy could easily kidnap them and do only God knows what." Replied the other officer

"That's absurd" said Charlotte Evans, Ian's mother

"Truly absurd" agreed Miss Walker quietly

"Any suspects yet?" Asked Paul Evans, Ian's father

"No Sir" replied the first officer

"Well, if that's all I better get going. Have somewhere to be in a few hours." said Miss Walker as she headed to the door.

"You're just going to walk away?" Asked Mr. Robison as he followed her out.

"What else can I do? They've given us all that they have so far."

"How would you know how much they've got? They could be holding something back"

"And just why would they do that George?"

"I wouldn't know"

"George it's been fifteen hours since the incident. What more could they have? Hm?"

"Olivia we've got to drill these people. Don't you care about Glory?"

"Funny that you are the one asking me this question. For someone who's hurt us you sure do have a lot of nerve to even make eye contact with me."

"Olivia don't start!"

"Why are you raising your voice?"

"I am not raising my voice!"

"Everything okay here?" Asked Charlotte as she came out of the office

"Just fine thank you" replied Olivia and Charlotte nodded. "Would you like a ride home Lottie?"

"Oh yes please. Paul has a meeting in town anyway."replied Charlotte with great relief. She looked at Olivia and George and must have guessed what might be going on. "I'll wait downstairs"

"Oli-" Ian begun but Olivia cut him off.

"I have to go George. Just don't do anything silly." Then she turned to leave but stopped and turned back to him. "And don't you dare pay your way through anything for rapid results"


"One mocha latte please" Charlotte Evans said to the waitress when they stopped at a cafè on the way to Charlotte's. "Aren't you having anything Olivia?"

"I can't" Olivia responded

"Come on Olivia. You can't starve yourself because you're worried about Glory. By the time she gets home you would have died of starvation"

"Lottie who hates us?"Asked Olivia


"Who hates us enough to hurt our children? What pig could have done this?"

"I don't know Olivia. I don't know. Why is your jaw clenched?"

"I'm just getting really angry right now"


"He's a constipated chicken. That twerp had the nerve to ask me if I cared about Glory. My own baby. The child I raised single-handedly for many years. He put us through a lot and he's still being a jerk."

"Olivia don't you think maybe just maybe you may be being a little too harsh on him. I mean he's Glory's father so naturally he should be worried too. And maybe he wants to talk but things are coming out wrongly."

"Then they've been coming out wrongly forever."

"Incorrectible mistake?" They laughed

"Charlotte. I don't know what to do. I cried so much last night wondering what could have happened to them because according to the fire service everyone made it out alive but these two. Our children. They just happened to vanish. Does that even make any sense?" She said. Her eyes welling up.
"What if" she started. "What if they died?"

"Olivia you can't think like that. It may sound impossible but stay positive." Charlotte rubbed her back. "I cried all of last night too but I woke up this morning and realized crying really won't do anything. All I can do now is pray. Just keep praying Olivia. Just keep praying."

Olivia nodded. "You're done?" She asked Charlotte as she wiped away a tear

"Yes. Are you sure you can drive like that? Sad and tired?"

"I'm sure"

And with that they paid the bill and Olivia dropped Charlotte at her house and drove off to her own. Keep praying, Charlotte had said and she was right. Olivia did have to pray for Glory and Ian but also for George so he would cease being one heck of a painful jerk. She just hated the way he could make her so mad.

She trusted the police to do their job but she had a sudden push to do a little investigation herself. Maybe she could find some puzzle pieces and solve this case faster. Just maybe.

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