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A/N: Hi guys! Sorry, you probably want to get into the story now (well I hope you do lol) but I just wanted to quickly say that I hope you enjoy, please comment (I love reading them), there is some mild language (just a warning), and I'm open to ANY suggestions or ideas you may have. I want to be as active with you guys as you are with me! Now let's begin...

Link's eyes were closed yet he felt the warmth and light of the sun beating down upon his eyelids. Reluctantly, he slowly opened his eyes, his vision blurry at first but soon became focused and more clear. He sat up, yawned, stretched his arms out, then swiveled to the edge of his bed. His feet touched the wooden floorboards and he stood up straight. He turned and faced the window where the sun had been beating down on him. He smiled, looking forward to his first day of his senior year. Realizing that school started in... 5 minutes, he quickly ran over to his dresser and thrashed through the many clothing options he had.

He finally managed to pull out a white long-sleeved shirt which he overlaid on top with a light blue t-shirt, beige colored jeans, white sneakers, and a navy blue zip-up hoodie. He looked in the mirror squinting a little, realizing how messy his hair was. He ran his fingers through it and he seemed satisfied with the result. After, he grabbed his backpack, skateboard, and a granola bar before dashing out the door. He looked down at his watch to see what time it was.

Three minutes.

He set his skateboard down on the road and began to fly through the streets, weaving in and out through any obstacles that came his w-- he just ran over someone's vegetable garden. Okay, so not every obstacle. Link didn't really have time to apologize at the moment, so he decided he would just go over there after school. He finally reached the school with barely a minute to spare.

Link beamed for a moment, proud that he made it on time, then quickly ran up the steps to the school doors. Once he was inside, he sprinted down the long narrow hallway. A door to a classroom on his left swung open. Link skidded to a stop.


Link looked back to see his best friend, Marth smirking at him.

"Good to see you're late as always," he retorted with a smile.

Link showed him his watch and gave him a wink while grinning. Marth just shook his head and chuckled.

"Oh wow ok, you got me! Thirty seconds to spare. C'mon, you're in homeroom with me," Marth motioned for him to come inside.

Link walked inside the classroom, seeing all familiar faces. He waved to all of them and finally sat down at his usual seat by the window. As he was getting situated, he heard another familiar, high-pitched, girly voice.

"And so yeah I was like- LINK!" the girl exclaimed from the doorway. She completely forgot about her friends she was talking to. Link looked in her direction and once he saw who it was, he smiled at her and waved.



She ran over to him with a huge grin on her face and kissed his cheek; however, her excitement slowly faded when she saw that someone was sitting in her usual seat in front of Link.

"'Scuse me," she said bitterly, glaring down at the girl who looked up at her blankly.

"Yea hi, not to be that person, but I'm gonna be that person. That's my seat and I would appreciate it if you could get up and find somewhere else to sit, thank you," Peach said sarcastically.

The girl sitting in Peach's seat still didn't react.

"So I'm gonna assume you heard me, proceed to get up out of my seat, and find someplace else. The hallway should give you enough space for you and your rusty metal suit. Hopefully you can still hear the lecture from out there."

The girl's face was growing more irritated. 

"Maybe even school isn't where you should be after all. You should try outer space. You have friends there right?" Peach smirked victoriously.

"Peach they're all aliens. They probably think she's one of them, she does kinda look like a freak," Daisy added. Rosalina was giggling behind her.

"You're so right Daisy! She does look gross and brainless." Peach snickered.

The three girls started laughing together. The girl sitting in Peach's desk, now looking pissed off more than ever, stood up from her desk, glared into Peach's eyes, and pulled out what looked like a futuristic gun of some sorts.

"Are you threatening me at gunpoint?! What's that even gonna do? It only harms outer space freaks," Peach said confidently. 

"Sorry, thought you were one. My mistake." the girl with the gun retorted.

The classroom gasped at the girl's comment, in her support.

"And actually, it doesn't only harm aliens," the girl added slyly.

"It's not like you could use it anyway! It's against school rules. You wouldn't even have the balls to do it. Well maybe since everyone thought you were a guy at first..." (get it kinda? no? eh i tried it wasn't that creative lol)

Peach flicked the girl's plasma whip/gun that was inches away from her face. That really ticked the girl off. She set the plasma whip in "active" mode and revved it up for use.

"Watch me you little sh--"

" Samus! Cool off. There's an open seat next to me."

Samus looked in the direction where the voice came from. 


He was right though. She wasn't worth it.

She continued to glare at Peach, who was still looking smugly at her, then finally lowered her weapon. She brushed right past her and made her way towards the back of the class where Ike was sitting. Peach took her place in her usual seat, smiling to herself. Link looked back at Samus who just shrugged. He turned back around and tapped Peach on the shoulder, who immediately turned around to face him. 

He raised an eyebrow and pointed behind him to where Samus was sitting, feeling bad, but Peach just shrugged it off and went on her phone. Link was disappointed but thought it was better to let it go.

The bell finally rang. Link looked at Marth and raised an eyebrow, proving that he wasn't technically late. Marth just shook his head humorously. Link then looked beside him and noticed an empty desk.


"Whoever is late has clearly never met Mewtwo," Pit whispered to Palutena, who giggled.

There's a new student coming today...?  Link thought.

He turned back to face the front of the classroom, where Professor Mewtwo stood primitively.

"Good morning class. This year marks the beginning and the end of your high school experience. Make the most of it. I assume--"

He was cut off from someone barging through the classroom door. It was a girl. She stopped in the middle of the doorway, panting. She frantically made her way to Mewtwo.

"I'm so sorry!" the girl exclaimed, with an embarrassed expression written all over her face.

He was silent. All eyes were on her.

The girl seemed to have gotten the message and sulked away from him, searching for an empty seat. She finally saw an empty seat and sat down quickly next to Link. Peach snickered as she walked by.

"Name?" Mewtwo asked as he walked towards his desk.

"Zelda Harkinian"

And there ya go! Part one is done. I'm going to be inserting some side love stories with the other smash characters too. Don't worry there's more to come! Also do you guys like PitxViridi or PitxPauletena? I'm not really sure but I would love to get your feedback! I hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you with the next part :))

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