Author's Note

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This is a big collection of prefixes and suffixes that I have either found on the internet or have thought of myself.

Full credit for the warrior cats idea goes to Erin Hunter, and her team of writers.

Also, these names can have a wide variety of origin, so they might be more exotic names, for the people who have clans in like the jungle or on a beach, and not just by the lake. So please don't be like in the comments, oh that was a stupid name, that name doean't work, that name doesn't make since in the world of cats.

I get it okay! Some people just like strictly professional canon names. Which is cool, (My friend is sticks to canon names.) I will mark which ones are canon.

Also when I say kittypet prefixes, I mean if a kittypet, loner, or a rogue become a clan cat and that is their original name it becomes a prefix. Ex. Angel is a kittypet = Angelheart when she becomes a clan warrior. I hope that makes since.

So I will write a little note beside the more weird or out of place names explaining why I think it fits.

Also Forest and or Lake means that they can be used in the forest or lake clan territories.

Shadow's Warrior Cat Name GuideTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang