What He Doesnt Know

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Chat Noir sat alone on the balcony of his father's mansion. He looked out at the stars to hope to see what he was longing for but to no avail. He felt lonely so he got up and walked along the building which he began to jump and soar through the sky. The crisp breath in the cold air felt so nice on his face. He slowed down near Marinettes bakery. Maybe I should stop for a bite. He thought. He jumped down from the top of the building and stopped at the glass door to the bakery the sign said open so he walked in. No one was at the counter nor inside so he decided to go see if Marinette was home. He walked up the stairs to the second floor and up the ladder to her room. He opened the latch and peeped inside.
"Marinette" he said. No one answered he climbed up into her room and stood up no one was there but her window was open. He climbed out the window and looked outside still no one but then he saw a loan figure in the distance of the dark of the night. The figure began to come closer to the window and soon landed on top of Marinette's home. Chat was frightened by the sudden bang of noise so he jumped and hid underneath her desk. The figure than appeared at the window of Marinettes room. In the light of Marinette's home he could see who the figure was. It was Ladybug. She walked in and sat down on Marinette bed. She then clasped her arms together and stretched. Then a beeping noise came from her direction as her miraculous began to run out. Suddenly the room erupted in light. Ladybugs form began to dissolve and her clothing changed from a red and black dotted suit to a Jean jacket and white flower printed shirt soon the lights dimmed and only what was left was Marinette and a floating fairy. Chats eyes widened at the site of his friend. Its been Marinette all along?! He thought. The fairy flying next to Marinette flew down to her bed and sat on the ground.
" It didn't look like there were any bad guys Tiki. Oh crap did you want a cookie? I'll go get you one." Marinette said and walked downstairs to the bakery. Chat took this as his chance to escape and jumped out from under the desk.
"Chat what are you doing here? You're not supposed to be here! Marinette!" Tiki yelled but Chat ignored her and jumped up to the window. He jumped out with his Baton ready and soared off into the night. His thoughts were swirling around in his head as he flew back to the old mansion. Wait has it been Marinette this whole time?! Does that mean I like Marinette? I guess it does! Wait me and her are only friends, she doesn't like me that way! Or does she? He thought. He began to conjure a plan for the next time he would see his precious lady.

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