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Adriens pov
School. Just the word makes me happy. I was home schooled all my life so school is very important to me. Especially with all my friends. But today I wasn't exactly the most happy, I have Chloe to deal with. Walking into class I see Nino,Alya, and Marinette sitting talking. I come and sit down and both Nino and Alya look at Marinette. I looked up at her and she seemed to be shaking. Why ladybug should be nervous I don't know.
3rd person
She continued to shake as Alya elbowed her arm. She took a deep breath and and spoke.
"A-Adrien could I t-talk to you for a minute?" She asked.
"Sure what's up" Adrien added.
"I-in private" she said shaking even more now. Adrien nodded and stood up as followed Marinette. They walked out of the classroom and out into the hallway.
"So what did you want to talk to me about?" Adrien asked?
"I-I um well . . .  we've been friends for a long time now and . . . I've grown f-feelings for you" she said looking down.
"What do you mean?" Adrien asked.
"I-I like you!" She said putting her hands into her face.
Adrien didn't know what to do. First he finds out the his love is one of his best friends then it turns out she loves him to?! He just couldn't comprehend. Thoughts raced thru his head. Tell her you love her too! Tell her you know who she is! Kiss her! His thoughts were shouting.
"I'll tell you how I feel about this at the end of the day." He said. Sounds ok to me. He thought. She looked up at him completely embarrassed and upset.
"O-ok sorry f-for waisting your time."
Shit! Stupid stupid stupid! He thought
She walked right back into the classroom and put her head down on her desk. Adrien thought this was the best day ever! At the end of the day he could accept then tell her he knows! He thought that the only thing that could go wrong was Chloe but the was the least of his worries. Little did he know Nathanael overheard the whole conversation. Hot tears streamed down his face as he dashed of to hide in shame. But slowly as his sadness turned to anger a little fluttering friend came to visit . . .

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