Moving Day

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Info: Today you are moving from Georgia to Virginia because your mom had a job offer that was too good for her to say no. You live with your mom, dad, and your one sibling named Chloe, who is three. You were really scared of going to a new school because you don't have friends in Virginia, except for your internet friend Erin. You and you're family are in the car on the way to your new home in Virginia.

Brianna's POV:
{in the car}
Mom: wake up Brianna, we are at the house.
You slowly wake up and grab your bags and head inside the house. You find a room on the second floor that is a lot bigger than your old room and it's painted a light gray. You put your stuff in that room and begin unpacking claiming that as your room. You took your toothbrush, hairbrush, toothpaste, and more things to your bathroom that was connected. When you finish unpacking you lay down on your new bed and get on your phone. You watch The Vampire Diaries on Netflix until 9:00. You then get up and pick out an outfit for tomorrow. You are dreading tomorrow because it's the first day of school and you are gonna have no one to talk to except for your internet friend Erin that happens to go to the same school that you will be attending. After picking out your outfit, you pack some things into your book bag, brush your teeth, plug in your phone, and get in bed. After and hour of not being able to fall asleep because of stress, you finally fall asleep.
{the next morning}
Your alarm clock goes off and you wake up very slowly dreading the day ahead. You go to your bathroom and brush your teeth, brush and straighten your hair. After that you put on a little bit of foundation, concealer, blush, mascara, eyeliner, lipstick, and you contoured and highlighted. You then put on your clothes; you wore a casual floral romper and white converse. You went downstairs and ate breakfast once you finished getting ready.
{at breakfast}
Mom: Are you ready to start your new school Brianna?
Bri: Not really...but I'm excited to meet Erin!
Mom: I'm sure you'll like your school and make plenty of friends. Plus you already have Erin to hang out with.
Bri: I guess I do have an advantage of already having a friend, but I'm just gonna miss all my old friends.
Mom: Exactly, think positive about it. Anyways, are you ready to go? I have to be at work in an hour and it takes 20 minutes to get to the school from here, and 25 minutes to get to my job from the school, and I want to be a little early on my first day.
Bri: I guess I'm ready.
Mom: Ok good, go get your stuff and then we will leave.
*You run upstairs and grab your book bag and phone, and then you go back downstairs after putting your charger and headphones in your purse.*
Your mom kisses your dad goodbye and then you two get in the car and begin to drive to your new school. Since it's the first day for everyone, you are hoping you won't stand out too much.
{at the school}
When you and your mom drive up to the school you say goodbye and exchange a hug; you then go inside and go to the front office to get your schedule.
You reach the office and ask the lady at the front desk for your locker number, locker combination, and class schedule. As the lady is getting your information, a voice coming from behind you, says something to the lady. You look behind you and see Erin and one of her friends. You and Erin hug each other, and Erin introduces you to her friend.
Erin: Brianna meet my friend Jacob, Jacob this is Brianna. She and I have been internet friends for a little over a year now and she just moved here.
Bri: hi Jacob, nice to meet you.
Jacob: nice to meet you too, Brianna.
You thought Jacob was really cute and sweet and hoped you had at least one or two classes with him.
Jacob: so what's your locker number, we'll take you to it.
Bri: it's 1738 (I'm sorry, I had to)
Erin and Jacob then help you find your locker; you then put your things into your locker. Erin's locker is right beside yours, and Jacob's locker is down about 5 rows down.
Erin: What's your schedule?
Bri: science, social studies, math, language arts, gym, and then art.
Jacob: Looks like we have 4 classes together!
He shows you his schedule and you see that you have science, social studies, math, and gym with Jacob. You have all classes with Erin except for art.
Bri: I guess I'll have to be social and make friends on my own in art.
Jacob: My girlfriend Luna and our other friend, Loren, has art with you, I'll tell them to sit with you!
Bri: oh thanks!
You, Erin, and Jacob head to science class and when y'all walk in, they lead you to their group of friends, y'all sit down, and they introduce you to their friends.
Erin: Brianna, this is Loren, Luna, Jaxson, and Blake.
Blake is Erin's boyfriend and they had been dating for almost 6 months.
Jaxson was cute, but you couldn't take your mind off of Jacob. You knew he had a girlfriend so you didn't flirt, even though you wanted to.

Jacob's POV:
Brianna is really pretty and I like her a lot already. She is nice, pretty, funny, and just everything I want in a girl. But I'm dating Luna, and I love Luna. Even though this seems stupid cause I just met her, she just makes me happy.

{I hope you guys enjoyed chapter one! I'll update tomorrow!}

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