She is a runt, I'm sorry, but thats the truth. Thana overheard the fight between her parents, innocently, as her mother ignored her father's rude comments and said Thana was just as good as any. Thana felt sad deep down, useless, and undermined. She had not flown yet, and her parent's concerns about her were growing too big for their little minds. Her mother loved her. But that was not enough, it seemed. Or so she thought. She decided to prove herself worthy to her parents. Soon.
Thana woke up with a start and looked down. The backside of the hut looked worse than the front, but there was a well there, and a deep sense of relief and gratitude rose in her. She decided to fly down, but first she looked around, just in case. The children were too far away to see her, and the parents were away for work. Or so it seemed. She flew down and stood on the sill of the well. She felt sad at once. The well was too steep for her; there was no way she could drink water without drowning herself. The universe had shown her many perks of being a crow, but this was one the disappeals of it.
I'm so sorry Thana. Can you forgive an old man?
SpiritualThe tale of the thirsty crow, one we heard of since the beginning of time. But things are never as simple as they seem, are they?